2 օգոստոսի, 2021

Ինչպես ընտրել բարձրորակ և հարմարավետ կահույք

Կահույք ընտրելը բավականին բարդ գործընթաց է, քանի որ կարևոր է հաշվի առնել ոչ միայն  արտաքին առանձահատկությունները, այլ նաև ներքին հատկությունները՝ պատրաստման նյութը, որպեսզի հասկանանք, թե որքան կարող է այն ծառայել։ Բացի այդ բոլորս էլ ուզում ենք ձեռք բերել որակյալ կահույք, որը դիմացկուն կլինի տարբեր վնասվածքներին, շուտ չի փչանա ու երկար ժամանակ կլինի ընտանիքի լավագույն բարեկամ։ Այդ իսկ պատճառով էլ մենք որոշել ենք անդրադառնալ այն հիմնական հանգամանքներին, որոնց պարտադիր պետք է ուշադրություն դարձնել ցանկացած կահույք գնելիս։ 

Փայտե կահույք

Երբ խոսքը գնում է փայտե կահույքի (ճաշասեղաններ, սուրճի սեղաններ, սպասքապահարաններ, ննջասենյակի հավաքածուներ) մասին, ուշադրությունը պետք է սևեռել ամբողջական կազմությանը։ Ամբողջական կոնստրուկցիան որակյալ փայտե կահույքի հիմնական բնորոշումներից են, որն իրենից ներկայացնում է ամուր անկյունները, փայտե պտուտակները։ 


Տարբերակում ենք մի քանի փայտատեսակներ՝ կարծր ու թեթև, նրբատախտակներ։ 

Կարծր փայտատեսակը հիմնականում պատրաստվում է սաղարթախիտ ծառերից, օրինակ՝ ակացիան, կաղնին, թխկին ու հաճարենին։ Աճում են և՛ չոր, և՛ խոնավ տարածաշրջաններում։ Այս ծառատեսակները հիմնականում լայնատերև են, ու կարող ենք տարբերակել մնացածից իրենց կլորաձև արտաքին տեսքի շնորհիվ։ Սրանք նաև հիմնականում վայրի պտղատու ծառերն են։ 

Թեթև փայտատեսակների մեջ ներառում են փշատերև ծառերը, օրինակ՝ եղևնին, սոճին, խեժը, և այլն։ Կարծր փայտատեսակը սովորաբար շատ ավելի թանկ է լինում, ճոխ տեսք է ունենում, և դիմացկուն վնասվածքներին, քերծվածքներին, քան նրբատախտակները, որոնք չնայած համեմատաբար ավելի մատչելի են։ 

Փայտե կահույք գնելիս անհրաժեշտ է խորհրդակցել արտադրողների հետ, ճշտել խնամքի առանձնահատկությունները։ Յուրաքանչյուր փայտատեսակ ունի միայն իրեն բնորոշ հատկանիշներ, և ելնելով այդ հատկանիշների համախմբից՝ որոշվում է խնամքի քայլերը կահույքը ժամանակից շուտ չփչացնելու համար։ Առավելագույն կերպով պետք է հետաքրքրվեք Ձեր կահույքի փայտատեսակի բոլոր հատկություններով, հենց այս տեղեկատվությունը կօգնի Ձեզ հետագայում տանը վայելել նրա նրբագեղություն երկարակեցությունը։ 



Ստուգեք՛ բոլոր պահոցներն ու դարակները։ Համոզվեք, որ հարթ բացվում են մինչև վերջ ու նույնկերպ էլ փակվում են։ Ստուգեք՝ արդյոք բացվելիս ֆիքսվում են, թե ոչ։ Ուշադրություն դարձրեք նաև բռնակներին, նրանք նույնպես պիտի ֆիքսված լինեն, այլ ոչ թե շարժվեն։ 

Փափուկ կահույք 

Բազմոցների դեպքում նույնպես արժևորվում է ամբողջական կոնստրուկցիան, այստեղ էական հատկանիշ են պաստառի գործվածքը, զսպանակներն ու նստատեղերը։ Ճիշտ ընտրության համար պետք է հաշվի առնել մի քանի գործոններ։ 

1․ Ընտրել ճիշտ կտոր, որը կերաշխավորի Ձեր կահույքի երկարակեցությունը

Կահույք պատրասվում է զանազան կտորի տեսակներից, որոնցից ամենանշանավորներն են՝ բամբակը, բնական ու էկո կաշին, մետաքսը, պոլիէսթերը, պոլիպրոպիլենը, ակրիլը և նիլոն։ Երևի թե կտորի ընտրությունն է հենց դժվարեցնում կահույքի գնման բործընթացը։ Եկեք հասկանանք կտորի այս տեսակների հիմնական առանձնահատկությունները։ 


Բամբակը լայնորեն տարածում գտած ամենամատչելի կտոր տեսակներից է։ Բամբակից պատրաստված կահույքը փոխանցոմ է փափկության զգացողություններ։ Այն դիմացկուն է արևի ճառագայթներին, գույնը շուտ չի խամրում, սակայն ենթակա է վնասվածքների։ Ամենօրյա օգտագործման համար բամբակյա իրերը լավագույն լուծում չեն, քանի որ արագ են փոշի հավաքում։ 

Մետաքսը ամենաթանկարժեք կտորի տեսակներից է։ Այն մեծամասամբ օգտագործվում է հյուրասենյակում պաշտոնական միջոցառումների համար ֆորմալ մթնոլորտ ստեղծելու համար, որտեղ կահույքը հաճախակի շփման մեջ չի լինելու։ Մետաքսը պահանջում է մանրակրկիտ մաքրում, եթե պատահական ինչ-որ բան թափվի։ Բավականին զգայուն կտորի տեսակ է։ 

Համեմատելով վերոնշյալ կտորները՝ բուրդը բավականին դիմացկուն է ու ամուր։ Շուտ չի վնասվում։ Միակ թերությունն այն է, որ հնարավոր է ոչ հաճելի հոտ վերցնի, ու դրանից ձերբազատվելը բարդ է։ 

Միգուցե ամենադիմացկուն կտորի տեսակներից կահույքի արտադրության մեջ  կաշին է, որը տարանջատվում է բնականի ու էկո։ Կաշվե կահույքը խորհուրդ չի տրվում նրանց, ովքեր տանը ունեն ընտանի կենդնանիներ, որոնք հնարավոր է արագ վնասեն կահույքը։ 

Այդ իսկ պատճառով էլ Ashley Homestore-ը առաջարկում է իր հեղինակային դյուրաբլենդ կտորի տեսակը, որը պոլիուրեթանի (57%), կաշվի (17%) ու բամբակի (26%) համադրություն է։ Դյուրաբլենդի հիմնական տարբերակիչ առանձնահատկությունը բնականից այն է, որ ջերմակայուն է, այսինքն՝ շոգ եղանակին կտորը չի տաքանում, իսկ ցուրտ եղանակին էլ չի սառչում։ Սա նպաստում է խուսափել անհարմար դրության մեջ հայտնվելուց։ Ինչպես նաև, բավականին դիմացկուն է փոքրիկների ու կենդանիների կողմից վնասվածքներին ու քերծվածքներին։

kashve bazmoc

Էկո կաշին լինում է երկու տեսակի՝ պոլիուրեթան ու պոլիքլորիդ։ Պոլիուրեթանը երկուսից ամենաանվնաս նյութն է։ Բնապահպանական մոտիվներից ոգեշնչված՝ էկո կաշին բնականի լիիրավ փոխարինողն է։ Դա հատկապես բնության պաշտպանների համար հրաշալի հնարավորություն է ընձեռում օգտվել կտորի տեսակից՝ չվախենալով, որ շրջակա միջավայրին վնասներ կհասցվի։ Հեշտ է մաքրել ու խնամել, դիմացկուն է քերծվածքների նկատմամբ։ Չի ներծծում թափված ջուրը։ Չի քրտնեցնում ու սառեցնում։ 

Մանրաթելային գործվածքով բազմոցները, բազկաթոռները դիմացկուն են վնասվածքներին, թեթև են ու ջերմակայուն։ Հեշտ են մաքրվում չոր քիմմաքրման դեպքում։ 

2․ Հաշվի առե՛ք Ձեր կենսակերպը 

Ձեր ապրելակերպը փափուկ կահույք ընտրելիս անպայման պետք է կարևորագույն պայմաններից լինի։ Եթե Ձեր տանը ունեք ընտանի կենդանիներ (շուն,կատու,և այլն) կամ փոքրիկ երեխաներ, խորհուրդ ենք տալիս ընտրել մուգ երանգի փափուկ կահույք, որը հեշտ է մաքրվում բծերից, ունի դիմացկուն զսպանակաձև մեխանիզմ։ Սա կօգնի, որ կահույքը Ձեր տանը ծառայի երկարաժամկետ։  


3․ Ընտրեք խելացի 

Կահույք ընտրելիս հաշվի առե՛ք բոլոր խանգարող հանգամանքները Ձեր կենսակերպում։ Նախօրոք որոշեք, թե ինչպիսի ոճի կահույք եք ցանկանում տեսնել Ձեր տանը, որը անպայման կհամապատսխանի տան ընդհանուր կահավորմանը։ 

4․ Ստուգե՛ք զսպանակները

Եթե սիրում եք ամուր նստատեղով բազմոցներ, ապա ընտրեք երկար զսպանակներով կահույք, իսկ եթե ավելի փափուկ ու թեթև զգացողության սիրահար եք, ապա կարող եք ընտրել զիգզագաձև զսպանակապատ բազմոցներ։ 

5․ Տեղում փորձե՛ք բազմոցի նստատեղերը

Փափուկ կահույքի նստատեղերի հարմարավետությունը կարևորագույն կետերից են, որ պետք է արժանան Ձեր ուշադրությանը։ Այստեղ հիմնականում պետք է ստուգել, թե ինչից է պատրաստված լցանյութը, հնարավոր է այն լվանալ-մաքրել, թե ոչ, ինչպիսի խնամքի միջոցներ են անհրաժեշտ, անհրաժեշտ է չոր, թե խոնավ քիմմաքրում։ Բոլոր այս հարցերի պատասխանը կարող եք ստանալ Ձեզ սպասարկող խորհրդատուից, կամ էլ ընթերցելով կահույքի տեխնիկական հատկությունների գրքույկից։ 

Այսպիսով, կարող ենք ասել կահույք ընտրելը դյուրին առաջադրանք չէ, դրա համար էլ բոլորս պետք է տիրապետենք  գոնե նվազագույն տեղեկատվությանը արտաքին ու ներքին առանձնահատկությունների վերաբերյալ։ 

Որակյալ ու հարմարավետ կահույքի ընտրության հարցում կարող եք նաև ստանալ անհատական խորհրդատվություն՝ զանգահարելով մեր հետևյալ հեռախոսահամարին՝ 044 611 000։


Մեկնաբանություններ (307)

time.yearsago | Հյուր


LoongList is an Ecommerce Influencer Marketing Platform to crowd-collaborate with influencers/social media content creators who are waiting for reviewing and promoting your products, it is the precise and low-cost way to promote your brands, products, services, and increase sales fast & more.

All  influencers/social media content creators are welcome to LoongList to explore Influencer Marketing Campaigns for brands, products, and services to promote & monetize the influence you believe in.

If you want to Collaborate with Influencers or Monetize Influence, you have to use LoongList.

Please visit us on https://loonglist.com

All the best!
The LoongList Team

time.yearsago | Հյուր

Since 2012 Mailbanger.com has been selling marketing lists with customer name/contact information to many small and startup businesses.

we have lists for USA/UK/Australia/Canada and many more countries

Here are some of our packages:

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USA Charity donors:

850 000 Weight loss customers:

we have many more lists - stop wasting thousands on pay per click or other expensive forms of advertising, and market direct for super affordable prices.

All lists are updated regularly, buy once and its yours so you can use them for many campaigns. They come in Excel files with sortable categories


time.yearsago | Հյուր

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From this Vulkan Vegas casino review, it’s evident that it has a lot to offer. Ranging from the vast assortment of games with new ones constantly being added to the fantastic

time.yearsago | Հյուր

Hello. We would like to inform you, that we can help you with your hair problems.
At Sereni Capelli, we can help you with the followings:

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All of the above can be solved with a single wonder product called Hair Elixir and you can read more about it on https://serenicapelli.com

Hair Elixir works for men and wemen of any age. If you are 18 or 90, the product has the same effect.
We deliver in 63 countries and offer a 14 days return guaranteed.

time.yearsago | Հյուր

You have a really great website. Let's connect:

time.yearsago | Հյուր

You have a really great and superb website. Let's connect:

time.yearsago | Հյուր

Turn Text to NFT Art in minutes:


time.yearsago | Հյուր

A Mind-Blowing Website:


time.yearsago | Հյուր

You have a really great website. Let's connect:

time.yearsago | Հյուր

You have a nice website. Let's connect:

time.yearsago | Հյուր

This needs to be promoted:

time.yearsago | Հյուր

Did you know? With AI, you can write ebooks in minutes.


time.yearsago | Հյուր


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Our Company is providing to beta-tester of our trained
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and get high-quality traffic!
Just 2 spots left ...

free 500$ google ads voucher : https://free-trial.adcreative.ai/googleadscredit-vip

Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business owner,

Do you want to dramatically improve your click-through rate and get more leads and sales?

CTR Booster is a revolutionary program designed to help you do exactly that. It uses patented technology to identify and correct the flaws in your website that are keeping visitors from engaging and converting.
Not only will this program quickly increase your click-through rate, but it also ensures that your website and marketing efforts are up to date with the latest trends and best practices. This means that you will be able to
maximize your reach and increase your sales-all from the comfort of your own device.

We understand that an increase in your click-through rate would be an invaluable asset to your business. That's why we're offering you a free trial that will get you up and running quickly, so you can start reaping the
rewards as soon as possible.

Try CTR Booster today and see the difference it can make to your website and your business.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business owner,

I am an SEO expert and I will provide 5500 contextual 2 tier backlinks for SEO ranking. I will also provide you with a link to my profile on Linkedin and Google Plus so you can see that I am a real person.

I can cancel this offer at any time and you will not be charged.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I noticed you're looking to hire a freelancer for your project. We've been in the market for a while and figured out that we can create buyer personas based on big data or google analytics.

I'll send you a sample of the work I've done in the past and you can decide if you want to go ahead with it. If not, then you'll get your money back.

Just reply to this email if you're interested!


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I have created a buyer persona for your company and I have included actual real life data. I will create a buyer persona for your company with data that is actually real, so there is no risk of you not being satisfied with the buyer persona.

I will also offer a 100% refund if you're not satisfied with the buyer persona.

I am confident that you will be satisfied with the buyer persona I have created and the data that I have included.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I write persuasive email content that sells and 100% refund if not satisfied. I have been writing for the past five years and have helped companies to increase their revenue.

I am confident that I can help your business to increase its revenue as well. Please reply to this email for more information about my services.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I noticed that your website is not up to par with others in the industry. I will help you develop a digital marketing strategy that will help you reach your goals. I also offer a 100% refund if you decide not to work with me.

I will also be happy to answer any questions you have about the process. Please let me know if you're interested so we can move forward.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business owner,

Do you want to dramatically improve your click-through rate and get more leads and sales?

CTR Booster is a revolutionary program designed to help you do exactly that. It uses patented technology to identify and correct the flaws in your website that are keeping visitors from engaging and converting.
Not only will this program quickly increase your click-through rate, but it also ensures that your website and marketing efforts are up to date with the latest trends and best practices. This means that you will be able to
maximize your reach and increase your sales-all from the comfort of your own device.

We understand that an increase in your click-through rate would be an invaluable asset to your business. That's why we're offering you a free trial that will get you up and running quickly, so you can start reaping the
rewards as soon as possible.

Try CTR Booster today and see the difference it can make to your website and your business.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi I am Allen , I'm an expert in google ads ppc campaigns. I will setup your google ads ppc campaigns with long term support and 100% refund if not satisfied.

I'm offering a free consultation to help you find the best campaign for your business. Just reply through fiverr and we'll set up your campaign.


free 500$ google ads voucher : https://free-trial.adcreative.ai/googleadscredit-vip

Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business owner,

I'm an experienced local SEO expert and I can provide you with backlinks for your google ranking. I can also provide you with manual contextual link building to help you reach the top of google.

I can do this for you as long as I'm paid. I'll also provide you with a cancellation option so you can leave the service at any time.

Let me know if you're interested in my service.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I noticed you're looking to hire a freelancer for your project. We've been in the market for a while and figured out that we can create buyer personas based on big data or google analytics.

I'll send you a sample of the work I've done in the past and you can decide if you want to go ahead with it. If not, then you'll get your money back.

Just reply to this email if you're interested!


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I have created a buyer persona for your company and I have included actual real life data. I will create a buyer persona for your company with data that is actually real, so there is no risk of you not being satisfied with the buyer persona.

I will also offer a 100% refund if you're not satisfied with the buyer persona.

I am confident that you will be satisfied with the buyer persona I have created and the data that I have included.

If you have any questions, please reach out to me.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I write persuasive email content that sells and 100% refund if not satisfied. I have been writing for the past five years and have helped companies to increase their revenue.

I am confident that I can help your business to increase its revenue as well. Please reply to this email for more information about my services.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Happy new year!

Are you tired of the hassle and expense of traditional staffing solutions? Look no further. Our online marketplace for freelancers is here to connect you with top-rated talent at incredibly affordable rates. With prices as low as $5, you'll save money and time when you hire and manage your team on our platform.

Get started now and see for yourself how easy it is to find the perfect freelancers for your business: https://bit.ly/FreelancerMarket

Best regards,
Joanna Ratcliffe
Marketing Manager @Freelancer Marketplace

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I noticed that your website is not up to par with others in the industry. I will help you develop a digital marketing strategy that will help you reach your goals. I also offer a 100% refund if you decide not to work with me.

I will also be happy to answer any questions you have about the process. Please let me know if you're interested so we can move forward.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business owner,

Do you want to dramatically improve your click-through rate and get more leads and sales?

CTR Booster is a revolutionary program designed to help you do exactly that. It uses patented technology to identify and correct the flaws in your website that are keeping visitors from engaging and converting.
Not only will this program quickly increase your click-through rate, but it also ensures that your website and marketing efforts are up to date with the latest trends and best practices. This means that you will be able to
maximize your reach and increase your sales-all from the comfort of your own device.

We understand that an increase in your click-through rate would be an invaluable asset to your business. That's why we're offering you a free trial that will get you up and running quickly, so you can start reaping the
rewards as soon as possible.

Try CTR Booster today and see the difference it can make to your website and your business.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I write persuasive email content that sells and 100% refund if not satisfied. I have been writing for the past five years and have helped companies to increase their revenue.

I am confident that I can help your business to increase its revenue as well. Please reply to this email for more information about my services.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I noticed that your website is not up to par with others in the industry. I will help you develop a digital marketing strategy that will help you reach your goals. I also offer a 100% refund if you decide not to work with me.

I will also be happy to answer any questions you have about the process. Please let me know if you're interested so we can move forward.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hey there!

Are you sick of low CTRs plaguing your business? Are you tired of pouring time and energy into your marketing campaigns, only to see crickets in return? Well, we have the solution to your woes: CTRbooster!

With CTRbooster, you'll be able to boost your click-through rates to new heights. Whether you're running a website, a social media campaign, or an email marketing blast, CTRbooster has the power to make your efforts pay off.

But don't just take our word for it. Give CTRbooster a try and see the results for yourself. Your business (and your bank account) will thank you. And with CTRbooster's hilarious team of marketing gurus by your side, you'll have a blast along the way.

So why wait? Sign up for CTRbooster now and say goodbye to low CTRs forever!


The CTRbooster team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi I am Scotty , I am one of your customer on your business, And I found that your company had lack of sales.

So I can suggest a free video about How To Improve Your Sales Process And Increase Business By Dan Lok


Hope it helps you

Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business Owner,

Are you feeling like your business is stuck in a rut? Are you struggling to come up with fresh, engaging content for your marketing campaigns? If you're nodding your head and muttering "yes" to yourself, then it's time to call in the big guns: Jasper AI!

With Jasper AI on your team, you'll never have to worry about a lack of content again. Whether you need social media posts, blog articles, or email newsletters, Jasper AI can generate top-notch content in a snap. And the best part? It never runs out of ideas!

So why keep struggling with a lack of content marketing? Let Jasper AI take the reins and watch your business soar. Sign up today and say goodbye to those pesky writer's block blues.


The Jasper AI team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business owner,

Is your website feeling a little neglected? Are you tired of languishing on page 10 of Google's search results? We have just the solution for you: our incredible SEO services, available for the low, low price of just $25!

With our team of SEO wizards at your fingertips, you'll be able to boost your search engine rankings and attract more customers to your site in no time. And the best part? Our services won't break the bank. For just $25, you'll get a comprehensive SEO audit and a customized plan to help you reach the top of the search results.

So why wait? Give your website the love it deserves and sign up for our SEO services today. And don't forget to tell your friends – at this price, it's practically a steal!


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hey there!

Are you tired of feeling like your business is stuck in the Stone Age because you don't have any email marketing strategies in place? Well, we have just the solution for you: GetResponse!

With GetResponse, you'll be able to send out beautiful and engaging newsletters, create targeted email campaigns, and even automate your emails to save you time. Plus, with GetResponse's easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor, even the most technologically challenged among us can create professional-looking emails.

But don't just take our word for it. Sign up for GetResponse and join the ranks of modern businesses that are killing it with their email marketing efforts. Trust us, your customers will thank you for it.

So why wait? Upgrade your business and sign up for GetResponse today!


The GetResponse team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear valued business owner,

Are you tired of missing important phone calls because you're too busy running your business? Are you sick of playing phone tag with clients and potential customers? Well, have no fear! Our answering service is here to save the day.

With our team of professional receptionists standing by, you'll never have to worry about missing another call. Whether you're in a meeting, out to lunch, or just need a break from the phones, our answering service has you covered. And the best part? We're not just any old answering service - we're the best answering service around!

Our receptionists are trained in the art of laughter and will have your callers smiling from ear to ear. So why not give us a try and see how we can help your business thrive? Sign up today and let us handle the phones while you focus on what you do best.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business Owners,

Are you tired of struggling to come up with creative and effective SEO content for your website? Look no further! Introducing Jasper AI, the newest addition to your marketing team.

With Jasper on your side, you'll never have to worry about keyword stuffing or bland, generic content again. Jasper is a revolutionary AI program that uses advanced algorithms to generate top-notch SEO content that will have your website ranking high in no time.

But don't just take our word for it, check out these reviews:

"I was skeptical at first, but Jasper has completely transformed my website. The content is so fresh and engaging, I've seen an increase in traffic and conversions almost immediately." - Mary, owner of a small bakery

"I was spending hours trying to come up with SEO-friendly content for my e-commerce store. But with Jasper, it's a breeze. The content is so well-written and optimized, I've seen my sales skyrocket!" - John, owner of an online store

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to improve your website's SEO and drive more traffic and sales to your business. Sign up for Jasper AI today! Check Out our video!


The Jasper AI team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business Owners,

Are you tired of struggling to come up with creative and effective SEO content for your website? Look no further! Introducing Jasper AI, the newest addition to your marketing team.

With Jasper on your side, you'll never have to worry about keyword stuffing or bland, generic content again. Jasper is a revolutionary AI program that uses advanced algorithms to generate top-notch SEO content that will have your website ranking high in no time.

But don't just take our word for it, check out these reviews:

"I was skeptical at first, but Jasper has completely transformed my website. The content is so fresh and engaging, I've seen an increase in traffic and conversions almost immediately." - Mary, owner of a small bakery

"I was spending hours trying to come up with SEO-friendly content for my e-commerce store. But with Jasper, it's a breeze. The content is so well-written and optimized, I've seen my sales skyrocket!" - John, owner of an online store

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to improve your website's SEO and drive more traffic and sales to your business. Sign up for Jasper AI today! Check Out our video!


The Jasper AI team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hey there!

Are you tired of feeling like your business is stuck in the Stone Age because you don't have any email marketing strategies in place? Well, we have just the solution for you: GetResponse!

With GetResponse, you'll be able to send out beautiful and engaging newsletters, create targeted email campaigns, and even automate your emails to save you time. Plus, with GetResponse's easy-to-use drag-and-drop editor, even the most technologically challenged among us can create professional-looking emails.

But don't just take our word for it. Sign up for GetResponse and join the ranks of modern businesses that are killing it with their email marketing efforts. Trust us, your customers will thank you for it.

So why wait? Upgrade your business and sign up for GetResponse today!


The GetResponse team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear valued business owner,

Are you tired of missing important phone calls because you're too busy running your business? Are you sick of playing phone tag with clients and potential customers? Well, have no fear! Our answering service is here to save the day.

With our team of professional receptionists standing by, you'll never have to worry about missing another call. Whether you're in a meeting, out to lunch, or just need a break from the phones, our answering service has you covered. And the best part? We're not just any old answering service - we're the best answering service around!

Our receptionists are trained in the art of laughter and will have your callers smiling from ear to ear. So why not give us a try and see how we can help your business thrive? Sign up today and let us handle the phones while you focus on what you do best.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I write persuasive email content that sells and 100% refund if not satisfied. I have been writing for the past five years and have helped companies to increase their revenue.

I am confident that I can help your business to increase its revenue as well. Please reply to this email for more information about my services.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I noticed that your website is not up to par with others in the industry. I will help you develop a digital marketing strategy that will help you reach your goals. I also offer a 100% refund if you decide not to work with me.

I will also be happy to answer any questions you have about the process. Please let me know if you're interested so we can move forward.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hey there!

Are you sick of low CTRs plaguing your business? Are you tired of pouring time and energy into your marketing campaigns, only to see crickets in return? Well, we have the solution to your woes: CTRbooster!

With CTRbooster, you'll be able to boost your click-through rates to new heights. Whether you're running a website, a social media campaign, or an email marketing blast, CTRbooster has the power to make your efforts pay off.

But don't just take our word for it. Give CTRbooster a try and see the results for yourself. Your business (and your bank account) will thank you. And with CTRbooster's hilarious team of marketing gurus by your side, you'll have a blast along the way.

So why wait? Sign up for CTRbooster now and say goodbye to low CTRs forever!


The CTRbooster team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi I am Zachary , I am one of your customer on your business, And I found that your company had lack of sales.

So I can suggest a free video about How To Improve Your Sales Process And Increase Business By Dan Lok


Hope it helps you

Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business Owners,

Are you tired of struggling to come up with creative and effective SEO content for your website? Look no further! Introducing Jasper AI, the newest addition to your marketing team.

With Jasper on your side, you'll never have to worry about keyword stuffing or bland, generic content again. Jasper is a revolutionary AI program that uses advanced algorithms to generate top-notch SEO content that will have your website ranking high in no time.

But don't just take our word for it, check out these reviews:

"I was skeptical at first, but Jasper has completely transformed my website. The content is so fresh and engaging, I've seen an increase in traffic and conversions almost immediately." - Mary, owner of a small bakery

"I was spending hours trying to come up with SEO-friendly content for my e-commerce store. But with Jasper, it's a breeze. The content is so well-written and optimized, I've seen my sales skyrocket!" - John, owner of an online store

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to improve your website's SEO and drive more traffic and sales to your business. Sign up for Jasper AI today! Check Out our video!


The Jasper AI team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business owner,

Is your website feeling a little neglected? Are you tired of languishing on page 10 of Google's search results? We have just the solution for you: our incredible SEO services, available for the low, low price of just $25!

With our team of SEO wizards at your fingertips, you'll be able to boost your search engine rankings and attract more customers to your site in no time. And the best part? Our services won't break the bank. For just $25, you'll get a comprehensive SEO audit and a customized plan to help you reach the top of the search results.

So why wait? Give your website the love it deserves and sign up for our SEO services today. And don't forget to tell your friends – at this price, it's practically a steal!


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi I am Kandace , I am one of your customer on your business, And I found that your company had lack of sales.

So I can suggest a free video about How To Improve Your Sales Process And Increase Business By Dan Lok


Hope it helps you

Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business Owners,

Are you tired of struggling to come up with creative and effective SEO content for your website? Look no further! Introducing Jasper AI, the newest addition to your marketing team.

With Jasper on your side, you'll never have to worry about keyword stuffing or bland, generic content again. Jasper is a revolutionary AI program that uses advanced algorithms to generate top-notch SEO content that will have your website ranking high in no time.

But don't just take our word for it, check out these reviews:

"I was skeptical at first, but Jasper has completely transformed my website. The content is so fresh and engaging, I've seen an increase in traffic and conversions almost immediately." - Mary, owner of a small bakery

"I was spending hours trying to come up with SEO-friendly content for my e-commerce store. But with Jasper, it's a breeze. The content is so well-written and optimized, I've seen my sales skyrocket!" - John, owner of an online store

Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to improve your website's SEO and drive more traffic and sales to your business. Sign up for Jasper AI today! Check Out our video!


The Jasper AI team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear valued business owner,

Are you tired of missing important phone calls because you're too busy running your business? Are you sick of playing phone tag with clients and potential customers? Well, have no fear! Our answering service is here to save the day.

With our team of professional receptionists standing by, you'll never have to worry about missing another call. Whether you're in a meeting, out to lunch, or just need a break from the phones, our answering service has you covered. And the best part? We're not just any old answering service - we're the best answering service around!

Our receptionists are trained in the art of laughter and will have your callers smiling from ear to ear. So why not give us a try and see how we can help your business thrive? Sign up today and let us handle the phones while you focus on what you do best.


Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

<a href="https://utopnews.com/sitemap/sitemap14.txt">債務重組</a>

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

On-Page SEO optimization. This is a very important stage in the promotion of your website. Without optimization, it is useless to deal with backlinks. You must clearly understand which page corresponds to which keyword.

Perform page optimization of your site:

Keywords research.
Write the Title and Description
Optimize headings H1, H2, H3
Optimize images.
Perform re-linking for relevance.
Checking keyword density.
A task for the programmer and copywriter if necessary.
I will coordinate everything before making changes to the website.

You will get relevant pages of the website, which will be liked by Google.

Technical SEO Optimization

You can order a full technical SEO audit in the additional services. And I will immediately draw up a task for your programmer.

What is needed from you to work:

An understanding of page prioritization.
Agree on keywords before making changes to the website.
Giving access to Google Search Console
Read my FAQs.
A little bit of your time to coordinate documents
A good attitude.

Let's not waste any time. Send me a message, and we'll discuss the specifics of your project.


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

I am Kiera, worked as Software Engineer In Google. I found your website while searching om google.

I hope this feedback finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention that the current design of our website is not looking as professional as it should be for a business.

I have done some research and it appears that hiring a freelancer with experience in website design could be a solution to this problem. Freelancers are often more affordable than hiring a full-time employee, and they can bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to the table.

Link : https://bit.ly/webdesign07

You Can find freelancer from above link with starting price of 10$.

Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր


I am writing to familiarizes you with Seodity, a powerful SEO tool that can help you boost your web site's organic traffic. Seodity offers a variety of features which make it simple to study your website traffic, analyze competitors, discover and build effective backlinks, and track keyword rankings.

Follow this link to visit our official Seodity website: https://seodity.com/?via=leo

With Seodity, you are able to easily and quickly find a very good keywords for your website and discover which keywords your competitor is ranking for on Google. You may want to check the Google Ads rate for the keywords, keep your favorite ones, and add them to Rank Tracker. Seodity also provides top content ideas from popular webpages, an SEO error analysis to improve your rankings, an SEO audit to spot potential site issues, exact instructions about how to fix them, and SERP position history tracking.

We hope you are going to make use of Seodity and all sorts of that it has to offer. When you have any queries or would like additional information about our services, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Visit our official Seodity website: https://seodity.com/?via=leo


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

I am Kirsten, worked as Software Engineer In Google. I found your website while searching om google.

I hope this feedback finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention that the current design of our website is not looking as professional as it should be for a business.

I have done some research and it appears that hiring a freelancer with experience in website design could be a solution to this problem. Freelancers are often more affordable than hiring a full-time employee, and they can bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to the table.

Link : https://bit.ly/webdesign07

You Can find freelancer from above link with starting price of 10$.

Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

Are you finding it difficult to generate traffic to your website? Are you struggling to rank higher in search engine results? The problem may be a lack of proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on your website.

SEO is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for potential customers to find you online. Without proper SEO, your website may be invisible to search engines, resulting in a lack of traffic and visibility.

As a freelancer, I can help you solve this problem by providing professional SEO services starting at just $15. My services include:

Keyword research: Identifying the best keywords to target for your business
On-page optimization: Optimizing your website's content and structure for search engines
Off-page optimization: Building backlinks to your website to improve its authority and visibility
Technical SEO: Identifying and fixing any technical issues that may be hurting your website's search engine ranking
With my help, you can improve your website's SEO and increase its visibility, resulting in more traffic and ultimately more business.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to boost your online presence and bring more customers to your website. Contact me today to get started on improving your website's SEO.


Best regards,

P.S. Don't let a lack of proper SEO hold your website back. Contact me today to learn how I can help you improve your website's search engine ranking and bring more customers to your business

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

Are you looking for a powerful and effective way to promote your business? A promotional video is the perfect solution.

Video is one of the most engaging and effective forms of marketing, and a promotional video can help you showcase your business in a unique and compelling way. A well-made promotional video can highlight your products or services, tell your brand's story, and give potential customers a sense of who you are and what you do.

As a freelancer, I can create a professional promotional video for your business, starting at an affordable price. My services include:

Scriptwriting: Crafting a compelling script that highlights your business's key messages and unique selling points
Filming: Capturing high-quality footage of your products, services, and team
Editing: Creating a polished and visually engaging final product
Optimization: Optimizing the video for different platforms and devices.
The final product will be a high-quality, professional video that will help you stand out from your competitors and increase your visibility online.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your business in a unique and engaging way. Contact me today to discuss your project and get a quote.


Best regards,

P.S. A promotional video is a powerful tool that can help you stand out from your competitors and increase your visibility online. Contact me today to learn how I can help you create a professional video that showcases your business in the best possible light.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

Are you looking to make a great first impression with potential customers and clients? A professional business card can be a powerful tool to help you do just that.

A well-designed business card can showcase your brand, provide important contact information, and serve as a lasting reminder of your business. It's a great way to make a positive impression and leave a lasting impression on potential customers.

As a professional designer, I can help you create a unique and professional business card that represents your business. My services include:

Custom design: I will work with you to create a unique design that represents your brand and stands out from the competition.
High-quality printing: I use only the best printing methods to ensure that your cards are of the highest quality.
Fast turnaround: I understand the importance of meeting deadlines, so I will work quickly to ensure that your cards are delivered on time.
Don't settle for a generic, cookie-cutter business card. Stand out from the competition with a unique and professional card that represents your brand.

Contact me today to get started on creating a business card that will leave a lasting impression on potential customers.


Best regards,

P.S. A professional business card is a powerful tool for making a great first impression and growing your business. Contact me today to learn how I can help you create a unique and professional card that represents your brand.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

Are you looking to take your business to the next level? One powerful way to achieve this is by creating a professional corporate video that showcases your company's products, services, and values.

Corporate videos are an effective way to communicate your message to potential customers and partners, and can be used on your website, social media channels, and at events and trade shows.

As a professional corporate video production company, we specialize in creating high-quality videos that are tailored to meet your specific needs. Our services include:

Concept development: We will work with you to create a unique concept for your video that will capture your company's message and values
Script writing: We will craft a compelling script that will effectively communicate your message
Filming and post-production: Our team of experienced videographers and editors will ensure that your video is shot and edited to the highest standards
Voiceover: We can add professional voiceover to the video to make it more engaging and informative
We understand the importance of budget. That's why we offer a variety of packages to suit your needs, from a simple explainer video to a more elaborate production.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to create a professional corporate video that will help boost your business. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our services.


Best regards,

P.S. A corporate video is a powerful way to showcase your business and help you stand out in a crowded market. Contact us today to learn how we can help you create a professional video that will help you achieve your business goals.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

Are you finding it difficult to generate traffic to your website? Are you struggling to rank higher in search engine results? The problem may be a lack of proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on your website.

SEO is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for potential customers to find you online. Without proper SEO, your website may be invisible to search engines, resulting in a lack of traffic and visibility.

As a freelancer, I can help you solve this problem by providing professional SEO services starting at just $15. My services include:

Keyword research: Identifying the best keywords to target for your business
On-page optimization: Optimizing your website's content and structure for search engines
Off-page optimization: Building backlinks to your website to improve its authority and visibility
Technical SEO: Identifying and fixing any technical issues that may be hurting your website's search engine ranking
With my help, you can improve your website's SEO and increase its visibility, resulting in more traffic and ultimately more business.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to boost your online presence and bring more customers to your website. Contact me today to get started on improving your website's SEO.


Best regards,

P.S. Don't let a lack of proper SEO hold your website back. Contact me today to learn how I can help you improve your website's search engine ranking and bring more customers to your business

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

Are you looking for a powerful and effective way to promote your business? A promotional video is the perfect solution.

Video is one of the most engaging and effective forms of marketing, and a promotional video can help you showcase your business in a unique and compelling way. A well-made promotional video can highlight your products or services, tell your brand's story, and give potential customers a sense of who you are and what you do.

As a freelancer, I can create a professional promotional video for your business, starting at an affordable price. My services include:

Scriptwriting: Crafting a compelling script that highlights your business's key messages and unique selling points
Filming: Capturing high-quality footage of your products, services, and team
Editing: Creating a polished and visually engaging final product
Optimization: Optimizing the video for different platforms and devices.
The final product will be a high-quality, professional video that will help you stand out from your competitors and increase your visibility online.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your business in a unique and engaging way. Contact me today to discuss your project and get a quote.


Best regards,

P.S. A promotional video is a powerful tool that can help you stand out from your competitors and increase your visibility online. Contact me today to learn how I can help you create a professional video that showcases your business in the best possible light.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

Are you looking to make a great first impression with potential customers and clients? A professional business card can be a powerful tool to help you do just that.

A well-designed business card can showcase your brand, provide important contact information, and serve as a lasting reminder of your business. It's a great way to make a positive impression and leave a lasting impression on potential customers.

As a professional designer, I can help you create a unique and professional business card that represents your business. My services include:

Custom design: I will work with you to create a unique design that represents your brand and stands out from the competition.
High-quality printing: I use only the best printing methods to ensure that your cards are of the highest quality.
Fast turnaround: I understand the importance of meeting deadlines, so I will work quickly to ensure that your cards are delivered on time.
Don't settle for a generic, cookie-cutter business card. Stand out from the competition with a unique and professional card that represents your brand.

Contact me today to get started on creating a business card that will leave a lasting impression on potential customers.


Best regards,

P.S. A professional business card is a powerful tool for making a great first impression and growing your business. Contact me today to learn how I can help you create a unique and professional card that represents your brand.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

Are you looking to take your business to the next level? One powerful way to achieve this is by creating a professional corporate video that showcases your company's products, services, and values.

Corporate videos are an effective way to communicate your message to potential customers and partners, and can be used on your website, social media channels, and at events and trade shows.

As a professional corporate video production company, we specialize in creating high-quality videos that are tailored to meet your specific needs. Our services include:

Concept development: We will work with you to create a unique concept for your video that will capture your company's message and values
Script writing: We will craft a compelling script that will effectively communicate your message
Filming and post-production: Our team of experienced videographers and editors will ensure that your video is shot and edited to the highest standards
Voiceover: We can add professional voiceover to the video to make it more engaging and informative
We understand the importance of budget. That's why we offer a variety of packages to suit your needs, from a simple explainer video to a more elaborate production.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to create a professional corporate video that will help boost your business. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our services.


Best regards,

P.S. A corporate video is a powerful way to showcase your business and help you stand out in a crowded market. Contact us today to learn how we can help you create a professional video that will help you achieve your business goals.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

I am Karolyn, worked as Software Engineer In Google. I found your website while searching om google.

I hope this feedback finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention that the current design of our website is not looking as professional as it should be for a business.

I have done some research and it appears that hiring a freelancer with experience in website design could be a solution to this problem. Freelancers are often more affordable than hiring a full-time employee, and they can bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to the table.

Link : https://bit.ly/webdesign07

You Can find freelancer from above link with starting price of 10$.

Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

Are you looking for a powerful and effective way to promote your business? A promotional video is the perfect solution.

Video is one of the most engaging and effective forms of marketing, and a promotional video can help you showcase your business in a unique and compelling way. A well-made promotional video can highlight your products or services, tell your brand's story, and give potential customers a sense of who you are and what you do.

As a freelancer, I can create a professional promotional video for your business, starting at an affordable price. My services include:

Scriptwriting: Crafting a compelling script that highlights your business's key messages and unique selling points
Filming: Capturing high-quality footage of your products, services, and team
Editing: Creating a polished and visually engaging final product
Optimization: Optimizing the video for different platforms and devices.
The final product will be a high-quality, professional video that will help you stand out from your competitors and increase your visibility online.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to showcase your business in a unique and engaging way. Contact me today to discuss your project and get a quote.


Best regards,

P.S. A promotional video is a powerful tool that can help you stand out from your competitors and increase your visibility online. Contact me today to learn how I can help you create a professional video that showcases your business in the best possible light.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

Are you looking to make a great first impression with potential customers and clients? A professional business card can be a powerful tool to help you do just that.

A well-designed business card can showcase your brand, provide important contact information, and serve as a lasting reminder of your business. It's a great way to make a positive impression and leave a lasting impression on potential customers.

As a professional designer, I can help you create a unique and professional business card that represents your business. My services include:

Custom design: I will work with you to create a unique design that represents your brand and stands out from the competition.
High-quality printing: I use only the best printing methods to ensure that your cards are of the highest quality.
Fast turnaround: I understand the importance of meeting deadlines, so I will work quickly to ensure that your cards are delivered on time.
Don't settle for a generic, cookie-cutter business card. Stand out from the competition with a unique and professional card that represents your brand.

Contact me today to get started on creating a business card that will leave a lasting impression on potential customers.


Best regards,

P.S. A professional business card is a powerful tool for making a great first impression and growing your business. Contact me today to learn how I can help you create a unique and professional card that represents your brand.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

Are you looking to take your business to the next level? One powerful way to achieve this is by creating a professional corporate video that showcases your company's products, services, and values.

Corporate videos are an effective way to communicate your message to potential customers and partners, and can be used on your website, social media channels, and at events and trade shows.

As a professional corporate video production company, we specialize in creating high-quality videos that are tailored to meet your specific needs. Our services include:

Concept development: We will work with you to create a unique concept for your video that will capture your company's message and values
Script writing: We will craft a compelling script that will effectively communicate your message
Filming and post-production: Our team of experienced videographers and editors will ensure that your video is shot and edited to the highest standards
Voiceover: We can add professional voiceover to the video to make it more engaging and informative
We understand the importance of budget. That's why we offer a variety of packages to suit your needs, from a simple explainer video to a more elaborate production.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to create a professional corporate video that will help boost your business. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our services.


Best regards,

P.S. A corporate video is a powerful way to showcase your business and help you stand out in a crowded market. Contact us today to learn how we can help you create a professional video that will help you achieve your business goals.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

I will promote your business on my linkedin with 3million traffic for 10$

Lets give a try I will do my best..

Link : https://bit.ly/linkedinshoutout

message me on fiverr lets discuss

Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

I am Rafael, worked as Software Engineer In Google. I found your website while searching om google.

I hope this feedback finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention that the current design of our website is not looking as professional as it should be for a business.

I have done some research and it appears that hiring a freelancer with experience in website design could be a solution to this problem. Freelancers are often more affordable than hiring a full-time employee, and they can bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to the table.

Link : https://bit.ly/webdesign07

You Can find freelancer from above link with starting price of 10$.

Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello ashleyhome.am owner,

Are you finding it difficult to generate traffic to your website? Are you struggling to rank higher in search engine results? The problem may be a lack of proper SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on your website.

SEO is the process of optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results, making it easier for potential customers to find you online. Without proper SEO, your website may be invisible to search engines, resulting in a lack of traffic and visibility.

As a freelancer, I can help you solve this problem by providing professional SEO services starting at just $15. My services include:

Keyword research: Identifying the best keywords to target for your business
On-page optimization: Optimizing your website's content and structure for search engines
Off-page optimization: Building backlinks to your website to improve its authority and visibility
Technical SEO: Identifying and fixing any technical issues that may be hurting your website's search engine ranking
With my help, you can improve your website's SEO and increase its visibility, resulting in more traffic and ultimately more business.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to boost your online presence and bring more customers to your website. Contact me today to get started on improving your website's SEO.


Best regards,

P.S. Don't let a lack of proper SEO hold your website back. Contact me today to learn how I can help you improve your website's search engine ranking and bring more customers to your business

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi! Do you want to start seeing new customers, clients, and partnerships that last? Well,
you need a solid social media strategy, and I have the expertise to get you to the next
level in your business.

I am confident I can assist you with your project or long-term project. I have been serving clients
in a variety of positions.Here is a little bit more about me and my experience in Digital
Marketing, Social Media/ Content Management, Project Management as well as email

.Extensive Experience as a Digital Marketer methodically identifying and implementing proven
and new strategies within search engine and social media marketing, specializing in Google,
TikTok, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and more.

As a Marketing expert, my goal is to provide you with the best possible outcomes using the
most effective strategies for your brand/business.

Social Media Marketing requires some time for positive results. I'll keep you updated on the
progress and will provide you with a monthly report as well.


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi i see that you do a lot of SEO for yourself and your clients, here is a great new software that takes all the guess work out,



time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hey I saw your website lack of seo. Do you wanna fix it?

Give us a message on fiverr : https://rebrand.ly/seoservice1

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi i see that you do a lot of SEO for yourself and your clients, here is a great new software that takes all the guess work out,



time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Latest AI marketing tool helps to get more leads and sales.. Dont miss This my relative Business made extra 20% increase in sales with this Ai


Best Regards

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I found that your website is not ranking on google due to lack of seo.. I will provide authority white hat seo backlinks for top google ranking.

messge me on here : https://bit.ly/seoservice05

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I found that your website is not ranking due to content marketing..


I hope this youtube video helps you..

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Your website is awsome but your are loosing lots of customer due to lack of email marketing..

I created a video for this and people also got results with my video..


Hope you will get benefit from video..

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Your website is awsome but your are loosing lots of customer due to lack of email marketing..

I created a video for this and people also got results with my video..


Hope you will get benefit from video..

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

You might Like this.... https://bit.ly/seoserviceforbusinesss

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I saw lack of seo on your website...

I ordered a pro fiverr service for 100$ and got 100K visit per month organically..


Already he had 20 orders in queue.... Do order the service as osoon as possible and develop your business organically..

All the best..

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Don't let bad video scripts ruin your online presence, try Pictory for free today!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I am going get 500k visitor per month through squirrly AI..

What is Squirrly?

Founded in 2012 in London, United Kingdom, Squirrly makes insanely great business products through our process of designing and coding artificially intelligent digital assistants inside every SaaS we build.

We focus on creating innovative yet easy-to-use solutions to help our customers never fail at online marketing.

Squirrly SEO is an AI-powered, all-in-one SEO suite that takes the guesswork out of search engine optimization.

✔️ Get the perfect SEO setup - instantly! Over 650 features are pre-configured for you during install.

✔️ All hand-holding. Completely educational. Squirrly provides a fail-proof, paint-by-numbers way of managing and improving your site’s SEO.

✔️ Use one tool for keyword research, content optimization, SEO settings, technical SEO, site audits, rank tracking, and more.

Link : https://bit.ly/squirrlyAi

customer Review : https://www.g2.com/products/squirrly/reviews

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi there, Hope you are having a good day :)

I am Rasheek, a mobile app developer with a proven record of experience providing exclusive service for mobile app development. I will develop your app as how you would like it, submit it on app store and play store, and maintain it for you. I will provide you quality work with exceptional customer support.


Drop me a message and let's discuss on how we can get started on building your app idea into a nice professional app.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi there, Hope you are having a good day :)

I am Rasheek, a mobile app developer with a proven record of experience providing exclusive service for mobile app development. I will develop your app as how you would like it, submit it on app store and play store, and maintain it for you. I will provide you quality work with exceptional customer support.


Drop me a message and let's discuss on how we can get started on building your app idea into a nice professional app.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear client:

Are you tired of spending hours creating marketing content for your business? Do you struggle to keep up with the ever-changing digital landscape and feel like your efforts aren't producing the results you need? If you answered yes, Jasper AI is the solution you've been waiting for.

Click Here ���� https://t.ly/K3Mz  to try Jasper.ai for Free.

Jasper AI is the ultimate generative AI platform for businesses, helping your team create high-quality content tailored for your brand up to 10 times faster. Whether you need to create amazing blog posts, art and images, marketing copy, sales emails, SEO content, Facebook ads, web content, love letters, captions, video scripts or any other type of content, Jasper AI has you covered.

With Jasper AI, you'll be able to take your marketing efforts to the next level. By leveraging the power of AI, you'll be able to create content that is personalized and optimized for your specific needs. Our platform uses advanced algorithms to analyze your content and recommend the best approach to take, ensuring that every piece you produce is effective and relevant to your target audience.

Click Here ���� https://t.ly/K3Mz  to try Jasper.ai for Free.

Not only that, but Jasper AI is incredibly easy to use. Our platform integrates seamlessly with all the major online platforms, including social media channels, email clients, and website builders, so you can create content from anywhere. And our user-friendly interface means you won't need any specialized knowledge or training to get started.

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up for Jasper AI today and revolutionize your marketing efforts. With our AI-powered platform, you'll be able to create high-quality content that drives results, faster and easier than ever before. Try it now and see the difference Jasper AI can make for your business!

Click Here ���� https://t.ly/K3Mz  to try Jasper.ai for Free.

Best Regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Create videos from plain text in minutes - https://www.synthesia.io/?via=cd

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi there, Hope you are having a good day :)

I will create an interesting and creative event, brand or trailer video that will be according to your video category.
I will add your images or video and logo
The video will be professional and ready to upload you can check my previous work to get more idea about my work..


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Check this out-------&gt;&gt;&gt; https://bit.ly/FastAccessPassPitchKickstartforChatGPT

World’s #1 Copywriting App for ChatGPT
Make Your Sales Scripts Sizzle
Transform ChatGPT into a World-Class Copywriter
No need to worry about outdated software - we've got you covered with free updates
Tap Into AI-Powered Frameworks and Seeds
3 Step Process - Brainstorm your idea, Feed it to the app, Finish
Sell Your Scripts to the Masses - Commercial License Included
Up in the cloud, accessible from anywhere

Tired of Watching Your Products Flop in Sales?

I get it, I've been there too.
Back in the day, I felt overwhelmed by frustration with online marketing, to the point where I wanted to throw my computers out the window and run far, far away.

But let's be real - a product's sales or lack of them can make or break your success. Without an effective sales script, even the best products are doomed to fail.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi there, Hope you are having a good day :)

I will create an interesting and creative event, brand or trailer video that will be according to your video category.
I will add your images or video and logo
The video will be professional and ready to upload you can check my previous work to get more idea about my work..


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi there, Hope you are having a good day :)

I will create an interesting and creative event, brand or trailer video that will be according to your video category.
I will add your images or video and logo
The video will be professional and ready to upload you can check my previous work to get more idea about my work..


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi there, Hope you are having a good day :)

I will create an interesting and creative event, brand or trailer video that will be according to your video category.
I will add your images or video and logo
The video will be professional and ready to upload you can check my previous work to get more idea about my work..


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi Business Owner,

I will help your website to rank on google with my seo strategy.. I guaranted to get traffic organically..

I am verified pro service provider on fiverr..check out my clients review in my gig... I will refund your money If not satisfied...


Good luck...

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi business owner,

I found that your website is lack of seo I found your website on 10th page on google...

To solve seo problem message me on fiverr let me help you.


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi, I am here to offer my professional English SEO article writing services. I will provide article writing services that can add value to your website and increase visitor retention. You will get professional SEO Content writing that will improve your search analytics also.

Some highlights of the things you will get are given below.

Manual and engaging blog writing
Unique writing with keywords
Copyscape report for Palagrisam
100 percent unique Copyscape passed work
No Grammar Mistakes
Delivery of 500 words in 24 hours

My top priority is to give quality to clients. I will help your website go up in the Google Search Engine Rankings. You will get good readability with my article writing.

What you can ask from me?

1.   General Article writing
2.   SEO Content Writing
3.   Blog writing
4.   Press Release
5.   eBook Writing

Link : https://bit.ly/articleforbusinesz

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I have been developing apps for clients for more than 8+ years. I believe in your cool ideas, bring them to me and I'll make the path to success.

I develop apps for iOS and Android platforms with

* Backend API (Rest APIs)
* Admin panel  

I am well experienced in the following:

E-commerce apps,
Business apps, GPS related
Delivery apps, Lifestyle Apps
On-demand apps
Databases app
Tourist Guide App
Camera-related apps
Medical applications
Software-oriented apps, and many more


Provide software changes and revisions till you are satisfied
Provide a good looking and attractive GUI
Provide well-constructed user satisfaction
Provide training when needed on the usage of the application
Provide simple and understandable code

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreationservice

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

My name is Sufyan, with over 8 years of experience in almost every design industry so far. I help startups and businesses meet their goals using design thinking, from small scale to enterprise level challenging web and mobile applications.

I will help you to design a mobile app ( IOS + Android ) + any kind of user experience/user interface.

What I need from you:

Your brief That you seems to be important for this project
Wire-frame (if any).
Transparent Logo ( If you do not have any logo no problem I am also a logo designer )
Content/ Text.
Any Images
Reference work or website Or you can choose any example from my portfolio

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreationzz

What I Offer:

Modern, clean, and professional work
Requirement Analysis
Unique and Modern mobile App UI
Prototype depends on your package chose 24/7 availability
Mid Fidelity Wire-frame
Building User Experience - UX
Creating Visual Designs
Developer Friendly Design
Using the Bootstrap grid system if you need
Awesome communication method &amp; customer support of all time

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreationzz

The tool I use:

time.oneyearago | Հյուր


Are you looking for a Promo intro cinematic slideshow Trailer video for Your Website, Your YouTube Channel, Your Company, Event
This is the Best method for boost up your Business to the Next Level.


!!Place Your Order Now !!!
Customer satisfaction is my number one priority.

Here's what you'll get :

The animated intro just like in the sample video or some other samples (You can see in Inbox) but with your footages, logo, texts, and tagline or website

Final output in HD QUALITY (1280x720) or more (according to the requirements )

Background music

Final output in any format

Sync your background music for free (optional)

You will be 100% copyright owner of this intro after your purchase

Order Requirements:

Provide your HD Logo(.png)

10 media holders and 11 text holders for 60-sec video. (5 text holders and 5 media holders for 30 sec.) (OPTIONAL-Can be changed accordingly)

!!!Leave me a message before placing the order.!!!


Why Me?
On-Time Deliveries
100% Client Satisfaction
24/7 available

Let us Bring your Brand... to the world!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր


You are looking for Backlinks ?
Then let me tell you, Quality over quantity.

With this gig i want to give you the option to buy 50-100-200 Backlinks for your Domain. It don't matter if your Domain is new or old, these Backlinks fit for all kind of Domains.

With an average of DA 60 and a healthy do/-nofollow mix of Links, we can be sure that the Backlinkprofile is looking healthy for google.

The Links will be placed on Blogs with the content in the article being relevant to your business.
With the delivery of the order, you will get a full report of the Links so that you know exactly, where the links have been placed.

If you new into all this and don't know what to do, please text me! I will do a free analysis of your Website and give you a recommendation for a SEO strategy.


If all is clear, feel free to choose a package and improve your SEO!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Welcome to the good side of Content Creation where we prioritise performance, know our target audience like our best friend and go above and beyond to create scroll-stopping designs that tell fantastic stories!



I'm Shirley, a Senior Designer, Content Strategist and Marketing Director. I've been in the industry for over 5 years and have helped over 500 brands with their content needs just this year! (feel free to ask for my portfolio).

How can I help?

Whether the goal is increasing brand awareness, telling your story or introducing a new concept/product, You're in the right place!
I help brands elevate the look of their social media and create consistent designs that resonate with your audience. SME's, startups and Agencies can find their custom design and full-management solutions under my umbrella of services.

What do I create?

Branded content (All industries)
LinkedIn &amp; twitter posts
Inspirational &amp; Educational posts
Short video content (custom offer only)
Much more



Please contact me before placing an order if you have a custom request or any questions.


time.oneyearago | Հյուր


You are looking for Backlinks ?
Then let me tell you, Quality over quantity.

With this gig i want to give you the option to buy 50-100-200 Backlinks for your Domain. It don't matter if your Domain is new or old, these Backlinks fit for all kind of Domains.

With an average of DA 60 and a healthy do/-nofollow mix of Links, we can be sure that the Backlinkprofile is looking healthy for google.

The Links will be placed on Blogs with the content in the article being relevant to your business.
With the delivery of the order, you will get a full report of the Links so that you know exactly, where the links have been placed.

If you new into all this and don't know what to do, please text me! I will do a free analysis of your Website and give you a recommendation for a SEO strategy.


If all is clear, feel free to choose a package and improve your SEO!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Welcome to the good side of Content Creation where we prioritise performance, know our target audience like our best friend and go above and beyond to create scroll-stopping designs that tell fantastic stories!



I'm Shirley, a Senior Designer, Content Strategist and Marketing Director. I've been in the industry for over 5 years and have helped over 500 brands with their content needs just this year! (feel free to ask for my portfolio).

How can I help?

Whether the goal is increasing brand awareness, telling your story or introducing a new concept/product, You're in the right place!
I help brands elevate the look of their social media and create consistent designs that resonate with your audience. SME's, startups and Agencies can find their custom design and full-management solutions under my umbrella of services.

What do I create?

Branded content (All industries)
LinkedIn &amp; twitter posts
Inspirational &amp; Educational posts
Short video content (custom offer only)
Much more



Please contact me before placing an order if you have a custom request or any questions.


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

My name is Sufyan, with over 8 years of experience in almost every design industry so far. I help startups and businesses meet their goals using design thinking, from small scale to enterprise level challenging web and mobile applications.

I will help you to design a mobile app ( IOS + Android ) + any kind of user experience/user interface.

What I need from you:

Your brief That you seems to be important for this project
Wire-frame (if any).
Transparent Logo ( If you do not have any logo no problem I am also a logo designer )
Content/ Text.
Any Images
Reference work or website Or you can choose any example from my portfolio

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreationzz

What I Offer:

Modern, clean, and professional work
Requirement Analysis
Unique and Modern mobile App UI
Prototype depends on your package chose 24/7 availability
Mid Fidelity Wire-frame
Building User Experience - UX
Creating Visual Designs
Developer Friendly Design
Using the Bootstrap grid system if you need
Awesome communication method &amp; customer support of all time

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreationzz

The tool I use:

time.oneyearago | Հյուր


Are you looking for a Promo intro cinematic slideshow Trailer video for Your Website, Your YouTube Channel, Your Company, Event
This is the Best method for boost up your Business to the Next Level.


!!Place Your Order Now !!!
Customer satisfaction is my number one priority.

Here's what you'll get :

The animated intro just like in the sample video or some other samples (You can see in Inbox) but with your footages, logo, texts, and tagline or website

Final output in HD QUALITY (1280x720) or more (according to the requirements )

Background music

Final output in any format

Sync your background music for free (optional)

You will be 100% copyright owner of this intro after your purchase

Order Requirements:

Provide your HD Logo(.png)

10 media holders and 11 text holders for 60-sec video. (5 text holders and 5 media holders for 30 sec.) (OPTIONAL-Can be changed accordingly)

!!!Leave me a message before placing the order.!!!


Why Me?
On-Time Deliveries
100% Client Satisfaction
24/7 available

Let us Bring your Brand... to the world!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

My name is Sufyan, with over 8 years of experience in almost every design industry so far. I help startups and businesses meet their goals using design thinking, from small scale to enterprise level challenging web and mobile applications.

I will help you to design a mobile app ( IOS + Android ) + any kind of user experience/user interface.

What I need from you:

Your brief That you seems to be important for this project
Wire-frame (if any).
Transparent Logo ( If you do not have any logo no problem I am also a logo designer )
Content/ Text.
Any Images
Reference work or website Or you can choose any example from my portfolio

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreationzz

What I Offer:

Modern, clean, and professional work
Requirement Analysis
Unique and Modern mobile App UI
Prototype depends on your package chose 24/7 availability
Mid Fidelity Wire-frame
Building User Experience - UX
Creating Visual Designs
Developer Friendly Design
Using the Bootstrap grid system if you need
Awesome communication method &amp; customer support of all time

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreationzz

The tool I use:

time.oneyearago | Հյուր


Are you looking for a Promo intro cinematic slideshow Trailer video for Your Website, Your YouTube Channel, Your Company, Event
This is the Best method for boost up your Business to the Next Level.


!!Place Your Order Now !!!
Customer satisfaction is my number one priority.

Here's what you'll get :

The animated intro just like in the sample video or some other samples (You can see in Inbox) but with your footages, logo, texts, and tagline or website

Final output in HD QUALITY (1280x720) or more (according to the requirements )

Background music

Final output in any format

Sync your background music for free (optional)

You will be 100% copyright owner of this intro after your purchase

Order Requirements:

Provide your HD Logo(.png)

10 media holders and 11 text holders for 60-sec video. (5 text holders and 5 media holders for 30 sec.) (OPTIONAL-Can be changed accordingly)

!!!Leave me a message before placing the order.!!!


Why Me?
On-Time Deliveries
100% Client Satisfaction
24/7 available

Let us Bring your Brand... to the world!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր


You are looking for Backlinks ?
Then let me tell you, Quality over quantity.

With this gig i want to give you the option to buy 50-100-200 Backlinks for your Domain. It don't matter if your Domain is new or old, these Backlinks fit for all kind of Domains.

With an average of DA 60 and a healthy do/-nofollow mix of Links, we can be sure that the Backlinkprofile is looking healthy for google.

The Links will be placed on Blogs with the content in the article being relevant to your business.
With the delivery of the order, you will get a full report of the Links so that you know exactly, where the links have been placed.

If you new into all this and don't know what to do, please text me! I will do a free analysis of your Website and give you a recommendation for a SEO strategy.


If all is clear, feel free to choose a package and improve your SEO!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Welcome to the good side of Content Creation where we prioritise performance, know our target audience like our best friend and go above and beyond to create scroll-stopping designs that tell fantastic stories!



I'm Shirley, a Senior Designer, Content Strategist and Marketing Director. I've been in the industry for over 5 years and have helped over 500 brands with their content needs just this year! (feel free to ask for my portfolio).

How can I help?

Whether the goal is increasing brand awareness, telling your story or introducing a new concept/product, You're in the right place!
I help brands elevate the look of their social media and create consistent designs that resonate with your audience. SME's, startups and Agencies can find their custom design and full-management solutions under my umbrella of services.

What do I create?

Branded content (All industries)
LinkedIn &amp; twitter posts
Inspirational &amp; Educational posts
Short video content (custom offer only)
Much more



Please contact me before placing an order if you have a custom request or any questions.


time.oneyearago | Հյուր


You are looking for Backlinks ?
Then let me tell you, Quality over quantity.

With this gig i want to give you the option to buy 50-100-200 Backlinks for your Domain. It don't matter if your Domain is new or old, these Backlinks fit for all kind of Domains.

With an average of DA 60 and a healthy do/-nofollow mix of Links, we can be sure that the Backlinkprofile is looking healthy for google.

The Links will be placed on Blogs with the content in the article being relevant to your business.
With the delivery of the order, you will get a full report of the Links so that you know exactly, where the links have been placed.

If you new into all this and don't know what to do, please text me! I will do a free analysis of your Website and give you a recommendation for a SEO strategy.


If all is clear, feel free to choose a package and improve your SEO!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Welcome to the good side of Content Creation where we prioritise performance, know our target audience like our best friend and go above and beyond to create scroll-stopping designs that tell fantastic stories!



I'm Shirley, a Senior Designer, Content Strategist and Marketing Director. I've been in the industry for over 5 years and have helped over 500 brands with their content needs just this year! (feel free to ask for my portfolio).

How can I help?

Whether the goal is increasing brand awareness, telling your story or introducing a new concept/product, You're in the right place!
I help brands elevate the look of their social media and create consistent designs that resonate with your audience. SME's, startups and Agencies can find their custom design and full-management solutions under my umbrella of services.

What do I create?

Branded content (All industries)
LinkedIn &amp; twitter posts
Inspirational &amp; Educational posts
Short video content (custom offer only)
Much more



Please contact me before placing an order if you have a custom request or any questions.


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

My name is Sufyan, with over 8 years of experience in almost every design industry so far. I help startups and businesses meet their goals using design thinking, from small scale to enterprise level challenging web and mobile applications.

I will help you to design a mobile app ( IOS + Android ) + any kind of user experience/user interface.

What I need from you:

Your brief That you seems to be important for this project
Wire-frame (if any).
Transparent Logo ( If you do not have any logo no problem I am also a logo designer )
Content/ Text.
Any Images
Reference work or website Or you can choose any example from my portfolio

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreationzz

What I Offer:

Modern, clean, and professional work
Requirement Analysis
Unique and Modern mobile App UI
Prototype depends on your package chose 24/7 availability
Mid Fidelity Wire-frame
Building User Experience - UX
Creating Visual Designs
Developer Friendly Design
Using the Bootstrap grid system if you need
Awesome communication method &amp; customer support of all time

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreationzz

The tool I use:

time.oneyearago | Հյուր


Are you looking for a Promo intro cinematic slideshow Trailer video for Your Website, Your YouTube Channel, Your Company, Event
This is the Best method for boost up your Business to the Next Level.


!!Place Your Order Now !!!
Customer satisfaction is my number one priority.

Here's what you'll get :

The animated intro just like in the sample video or some other samples (You can see in Inbox) but with your footages, logo, texts, and tagline or website

Final output in HD QUALITY (1280x720) or more (according to the requirements )

Background music

Final output in any format

Sync your background music for free (optional)

You will be 100% copyright owner of this intro after your purchase

Order Requirements:

Provide your HD Logo(.png)

10 media holders and 11 text holders for 60-sec video. (5 text holders and 5 media holders for 30 sec.) (OPTIONAL-Can be changed accordingly)

!!!Leave me a message before placing the order.!!!


Why Me?
On-Time Deliveries
100% Client Satisfaction
24/7 available

Let us Bring your Brand... to the world!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

This message was sent to you via your website contact form. I get literally dozens of leads this way every day from people like yourself responding to my message. Now I want to offer this service to you. I will generate leads for your business using this exact same method. Proof that it works? Well if you are writing a reply to me right now then you just proved it can work for you too! Please email me here for details: [email protected]

time.oneyearago | Հյուր


Are you looking for a Promo intro cinematic slideshow Trailer video for Your Website, Your YouTube Channel, Your Company, Event
This is the Best method for boost up your Business to the Next Level.


!!Place Your Order Now !!!
Customer satisfaction is my number one priority.

Here's what you'll get :

The animated intro just like in the sample video or some other samples (You can see in Inbox) but with your footages, logo, texts, and tagline or website

Final output in HD QUALITY (1280x720) or more (according to the requirements )

Background music

Final output in any format

Sync your background music for free (optional)

You will be 100% copyright owner of this intro after your purchase

Order Requirements:

Provide your HD Logo(.png)

10 media holders and 11 text holders for 60-sec video. (5 text holders and 5 media holders for 30 sec.) (OPTIONAL-Can be changed accordingly)

!!!Leave me a message before placing the order.!!!


Why Me?
On-Time Deliveries
100% Client Satisfaction
24/7 available

Let us Bring your Brand... to the world!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Native English speaker

Based In The UK
Fiver Pro Seller
Over 500 5-star reviews AND 1K+ completed orders
10 + Years of Experience
BA Degree in International Journalism &amp; PR
SEO Writer For International marketplace - Alibaba.com
SEO Blog Posts can help you;

Increase traffic to your website
Improve your position within the search results
Start ranking for more relevant keywords and search terms
Inform and educate your customers
Direct customers to product pages &amp; increase sales


All blog post packages include -

Keyword research
Page title
Meta description
Image alt tag
Full copyrights on delivery
Fast communication with me directly
NO outsourcing or plagiarism
Free images to use when publishing

Send me a message or simply hit buy now and attach a blog post idea and some information about your business and let's get to work!


Look forward to working with you,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I am Jennifer, a US based Digital Marketing Specialist with over 15 years of experience in marketing and am focused on providing the best service for my clients. Together we will determine your goals and I can create and deploy your email marketing to increase brand awareness and engage with existing customers.

Weekly email in a newsletter style (or sales or event focused) plus a 3 email drip campaign (welcome, abandoned cart, etc)
Content planning and research
Written, designed and branded in your voice and branding
Use your photos or access royalty free stock photos
Create engaging photo graphics


I can use Campaigner, MailChimp, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Constant Contact, Klaviyo or can discuss other options. You need to have an existing account or I can assist in setting it up and uploading your customer base (extra cost). I do NOT purchase lists.
I can write the copy from just copy points and your website, create Call to Actions that WORK and titles that create interest to open. I can match HEX colors to your website and make as many revisions as you would like!


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Welcome to my gig RANK WEBSITE FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE using high quality dofollow SEO backlinks.

You are now on a gig that will provide you with a RANK WEBSITE FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE monthly SEO service designed to work across all websites.
This package will lift you higher on the search engine rankings, which in turn will provide you with FREE organic traffic to your site via highly targeted visitors.
I will provide the following:
- OnPage &amp; Off-page
- Increased website authority
- Top-ranked website based on keywords
- Monthly High Authority backlinks
- Manually built backlinks with an only high PR site
- Google Penguin &amp; Panda 4.1 safe work
- 100% White Hat, manual work only
- Unique Backlinks
- Full reports and Logins
-High quality dofollow SEO backlinks



SEO Lead in content &amp; backlink strategy
Perform content and backlinks audits
Analyze keywords and techniques used by competitors
Develop link building strategies that maximize our content efforts and gain traction across digital PR
Good understanding of Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other industry-relevant tools e.g. SEMRush, Ahrefs, etc.
Order Now!!!


Abdul Rauf

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Why Me?
~ I am Fast, flexible &amp; Friendly
~ Quick Support to fix issues or bugs
~ 10 Years of professional experience
~ 24/7 online availability


Offering this GIG-

~ Domain &amp; Hosting installation or transfer server
~ WordPress, Theme, Plugin &amp; Content setup
~ Custom layout design &amp; development
~ Critical error or bug fixing
~ Payment Gateway installations
~ Full Stack E-commerce development
~ Responsive, CSS, Colors, Fonts, Icons preview
~ Maximum security protection
~ Optimize website to speed up 75% - 90%
~ Initial SEO
~ Integrate new features and functionality
~ Programming for PHP, Ajax, JavaScript, Jquery
~ Page builder customization
~ Elementor
~ E-Commerce
~ MemberPress, WP Forms
~ Custom Developer Tools



~ Free consultation
~ Free installation and setup of Domain, Hosting
~ Unlimited revision to your satisfaction
~ Free support after the order is completed (7 Days)

100% Money back guarantee


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

���� About me?

I’m Subash &amp; a verified Fiverr Pro seller. I'm a Product Designer &amp; UX Researcher. I not only make UI designs but also solve user problems while creating user-centric design for your business.
I'm always open to signing an NDA

�������� The way I’ll help you https://bit.ly/webdesignz1

* Clarify &amp; discuss your business goal, target &amp; challenges
* Research + Competitor analysis + User flow/Roadmap + Information Architecture
* Wireframe + Visual mood board
* Interactive prototype
* Create a visual design
* Style Guide for development
* You send reviews, I provide iterations, you’re happy, I’ll finish the project

✊ I have completed more than 140+ projects &amp; successful cooperation with 90+ clients from 26+ countries worldwide.

�������� What do I need from you to start your website design?
* Brief/Story/Specification requirements
* Some of your competitors' websites. (If any)
* Provide your style guide &amp; logo in AI/EPS &amp; PSD format? (If any)

�������� Final deliverable files
Only design source files with all necessary assets and detailed guidelines for your developers without codes.

�������� If you want to have development support, we need to discuss separately.


time.oneyearago | Հյուր


Are you looking for a Promo intro cinematic slideshow Trailer video for Your Website, Your YouTube Channel, Your Company, Event
This is the Best method for boost up your Business to the Next Level.


!!Place Your Order Now !!!
Customer satisfaction is my number one priority.

Here's what you'll get :

The animated intro just like in the sample video or some other samples (You can see in Inbox) but with your footages, logo, texts, and tagline or website

Final output in HD QUALITY (1280x720) or more (according to the requirements )

Background music

Final output in any format

Sync your background music for free (optional)

You will be 100% copyright owner of this intro after your purchase

Order Requirements:

Provide your HD Logo(.png)

10 media holders and 11 text holders for 60-sec video. (5 text holders and 5 media holders for 30 sec.) (OPTIONAL-Can be changed accordingly)

!!!Leave me a message before placing the order.!!!


Why Me?
On-Time Deliveries
100% Client Satisfaction
24/7 available

Let us Bring your Brand... to the world!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Native English speaker

Based In The UK
Fiver Pro Seller
Over 500 5-star reviews AND 1K+ completed orders
10 + Years of Experience
BA Degree in International Journalism &amp; PR
SEO Writer For International marketplace - Alibaba.com
SEO Blog Posts can help you;

Increase traffic to your website
Improve your position within the search results
Start ranking for more relevant keywords and search terms
Inform and educate your customers
Direct customers to product pages &amp; increase sales


All blog post packages include -

Keyword research
Page title
Meta description
Image alt tag
Full copyrights on delivery
Fast communication with me directly
NO outsourcing or plagiarism
Free images to use when publishing

Send me a message or simply hit buy now and attach a blog post idea and some information about your business and let's get to work!


Look forward to working with you,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I am Jennifer, a US based Digital Marketing Specialist with over 15 years of experience in marketing and am focused on providing the best service for my clients. Together we will determine your goals and I can create and deploy your email marketing to increase brand awareness and engage with existing customers.

Weekly email in a newsletter style (or sales or event focused) plus a 3 email drip campaign (welcome, abandoned cart, etc)
Content planning and research
Written, designed and branded in your voice and branding
Use your photos or access royalty free stock photos
Create engaging photo graphics


I can use Campaigner, MailChimp, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Constant Contact, Klaviyo or can discuss other options. You need to have an existing account or I can assist in setting it up and uploading your customer base (extra cost). I do NOT purchase lists.
I can write the copy from just copy points and your website, create Call to Actions that WORK and titles that create interest to open. I can match HEX colors to your website and make as many revisions as you would like!


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Welcome to my gig RANK WEBSITE FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE using high quality dofollow SEO backlinks.

You are now on a gig that will provide you with a RANK WEBSITE FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE monthly SEO service designed to work across all websites.
This package will lift you higher on the search engine rankings, which in turn will provide you with FREE organic traffic to your site via highly targeted visitors.
I will provide the following:
- OnPage &amp; Off-page
- Increased website authority
- Top-ranked website based on keywords
- Monthly High Authority backlinks
- Manually built backlinks with an only high PR site
- Google Penguin &amp; Panda 4.1 safe work
- 100% White Hat, manual work only
- Unique Backlinks
- Full reports and Logins
-High quality dofollow SEO backlinks



SEO Lead in content &amp; backlink strategy
Perform content and backlinks audits
Analyze keywords and techniques used by competitors
Develop link building strategies that maximize our content efforts and gain traction across digital PR
Good understanding of Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other industry-relevant tools e.g. SEMRush, Ahrefs, etc.
Order Now!!!


Abdul Rauf

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Why Me?
~ I am Fast, flexible &amp; Friendly
~ Quick Support to fix issues or bugs
~ 10 Years of professional experience
~ 24/7 online availability


Offering this GIG-

~ Domain &amp; Hosting installation or transfer server
~ WordPress, Theme, Plugin &amp; Content setup
~ Custom layout design &amp; development
~ Critical error or bug fixing
~ Payment Gateway installations
~ Full Stack E-commerce development
~ Responsive, CSS, Colors, Fonts, Icons preview
~ Maximum security protection
~ Optimize website to speed up 75% - 90%
~ Initial SEO
~ Integrate new features and functionality
~ Programming for PHP, Ajax, JavaScript, Jquery
~ Page builder customization
~ Elementor
~ E-Commerce
~ MemberPress, WP Forms
~ Custom Developer Tools



~ Free consultation
~ Free installation and setup of Domain, Hosting
~ Unlimited revision to your satisfaction
~ Free support after the order is completed (7 Days)

100% Money back guarantee


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Why Me?
~ I am Fast, flexible &amp; Friendly
~ Quick Support to fix issues or bugs
~ 10 Years of professional experience
~ 24/7 online availability


Offering this GIG-

~ Domain &amp; Hosting installation or transfer server
~ WordPress, Theme, Plugin &amp; Content setup
~ Custom layout design &amp; development
~ Critical error or bug fixing
~ Payment Gateway installations
~ Full Stack E-commerce development
~ Responsive, CSS, Colors, Fonts, Icons preview
~ Maximum security protection
~ Optimize website to speed up 75% - 90%
~ Initial SEO
~ Integrate new features and functionality
~ Programming for PHP, Ajax, JavaScript, Jquery
~ Page builder customization
~ Elementor
~ E-Commerce
~ MemberPress, WP Forms
~ Custom Developer Tools



~ Free consultation
~ Free installation and setup of Domain, Hosting
~ Unlimited revision to your satisfaction
~ Free support after the order is completed (7 Days)

100% Money back guarantee


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

���� About me?

I’m Subash &amp; a verified Fiverr Pro seller. I'm a Product Designer &amp; UX Researcher. I not only make UI designs but also solve user problems while creating user-centric design for your business.
I'm always open to signing an NDA

�������� The way I’ll help you https://bit.ly/webdesignz1

* Clarify &amp; discuss your business goal, target &amp; challenges
* Research + Competitor analysis + User flow/Roadmap + Information Architecture
* Wireframe + Visual mood board
* Interactive prototype
* Create a visual design
* Style Guide for development
* You send reviews, I provide iterations, you’re happy, I’ll finish the project

✊ I have completed more than 140+ projects &amp; successful cooperation with 90+ clients from 26+ countries worldwide.

�������� What do I need from you to start your website design?
* Brief/Story/Specification requirements
* Some of your competitors' websites. (If any)
* Provide your style guide &amp; logo in AI/EPS &amp; PSD format? (If any)

�������� Final deliverable files
Only design source files with all necessary assets and detailed guidelines for your developers without codes.

�������� If you want to have development support, we need to discuss separately.


time.oneyearago | Հյուր


Are you looking for a Promo intro cinematic slideshow Trailer video for Your Website, Your YouTube Channel, Your Company, Event
This is the Best method for boost up your Business to the Next Level.


!!Place Your Order Now !!!
Customer satisfaction is my number one priority.

Here's what you'll get :

The animated intro just like in the sample video or some other samples (You can see in Inbox) but with your footages, logo, texts, and tagline or website

Final output in HD QUALITY (1280x720) or more (according to the requirements )

Background music

Final output in any format

Sync your background music for free (optional)

You will be 100% copyright owner of this intro after your purchase

Order Requirements:

Provide your HD Logo(.png)

10 media holders and 11 text holders for 60-sec video. (5 text holders and 5 media holders for 30 sec.) (OPTIONAL-Can be changed accordingly)

!!!Leave me a message before placing the order.!!!


Why Me?
On-Time Deliveries
100% Client Satisfaction
24/7 available

Let us Bring your Brand... to the world!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Native English speaker

Based In The UK
Fiver Pro Seller
Over 500 5-star reviews AND 1K+ completed orders
10 + Years of Experience
BA Degree in International Journalism &amp; PR
SEO Writer For International marketplace - Alibaba.com
SEO Blog Posts can help you;

Increase traffic to your website
Improve your position within the search results
Start ranking for more relevant keywords and search terms
Inform and educate your customers
Direct customers to product pages &amp; increase sales


All blog post packages include -

Keyword research
Page title
Meta description
Image alt tag
Full copyrights on delivery
Fast communication with me directly
NO outsourcing or plagiarism
Free images to use when publishing

Send me a message or simply hit buy now and attach a blog post idea and some information about your business and let's get to work!


Look forward to working with you,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I am Jennifer, a US based Digital Marketing Specialist with over 15 years of experience in marketing and am focused on providing the best service for my clients. Together we will determine your goals and I can create and deploy your email marketing to increase brand awareness and engage with existing customers.

Weekly email in a newsletter style (or sales or event focused) plus a 3 email drip campaign (welcome, abandoned cart, etc)
Content planning and research
Written, designed and branded in your voice and branding
Use your photos or access royalty free stock photos
Create engaging photo graphics


I can use Campaigner, MailChimp, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Constant Contact, Klaviyo or can discuss other options. You need to have an existing account or I can assist in setting it up and uploading your customer base (extra cost). I do NOT purchase lists.
I can write the copy from just copy points and your website, create Call to Actions that WORK and titles that create interest to open. I can match HEX colors to your website and make as many revisions as you would like!


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Welcome to my gig RANK WEBSITE FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE using high quality dofollow SEO backlinks.

You are now on a gig that will provide you with a RANK WEBSITE FIRST PAGE OF GOOGLE monthly SEO service designed to work across all websites.
This package will lift you higher on the search engine rankings, which in turn will provide you with FREE organic traffic to your site via highly targeted visitors.
I will provide the following:
- OnPage &amp; Off-page
- Increased website authority
- Top-ranked website based on keywords
- Monthly High Authority backlinks
- Manually built backlinks with an only high PR site
- Google Penguin &amp; Panda 4.1 safe work
- 100% White Hat, manual work only
- Unique Backlinks
- Full reports and Logins
-High quality dofollow SEO backlinks



SEO Lead in content &amp; backlink strategy
Perform content and backlinks audits
Analyze keywords and techniques used by competitors
Develop link building strategies that maximize our content efforts and gain traction across digital PR
Good understanding of Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other industry-relevant tools e.g. SEMRush, Ahrefs, etc.
Order Now!!!


Abdul Rauf

time.oneyearago | Հյուր


Are you looking for a Promo intro cinematic slideshow Trailer video for Your Website, Your YouTube Channel, Your Company, Event
This is the Best method for boost up your Business to the Next Level.


!!Place Your Order Now !!!
Customer satisfaction is my number one priority.

Here's what you'll get :

The animated intro just like in the sample video or some other samples (You can see in Inbox) but with your footages, logo, texts, and tagline or website

Final output in HD QUALITY (1280x720) or more (according to the requirements )

Background music

Final output in any format

Sync your background music for free (optional)

You will be 100% copyright owner of this intro after your purchase

Order Requirements:

Provide your HD Logo(.png)

10 media holders and 11 text holders for 60-sec video. (5 text holders and 5 media holders for 30 sec.) (OPTIONAL-Can be changed accordingly)

!!!Leave me a message before placing the order.!!!


Why Me?
On-Time Deliveries
100% Client Satisfaction
24/7 available

Let us Bring your Brand... to the world!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Native English speaker

Based In The UK
Fiver Pro Seller
Over 500 5-star reviews AND 1K+ completed orders
10 + Years of Experience
BA Degree in International Journalism &amp; PR
SEO Writer For International marketplace - Alibaba.com
SEO Blog Posts can help you;

Increase traffic to your website
Improve your position within the search results
Start ranking for more relevant keywords and search terms
Inform and educate your customers
Direct customers to product pages &amp; increase sales


All blog post packages include -

Keyword research
Page title
Meta description
Image alt tag
Full copyrights on delivery
Fast communication with me directly
NO outsourcing or plagiarism
Free images to use when publishing

Send me a message or simply hit buy now and attach a blog post idea and some information about your business and let's get to work!


Look forward to working with you,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I am Jennifer, a US based Digital Marketing Specialist with over 15 years of experience in marketing and am focused on providing the best service for my clients. Together we will determine your goals and I can create and deploy your email marketing to increase brand awareness and engage with existing customers.

Weekly email in a newsletter style (or sales or event focused) plus a 3 email drip campaign (welcome, abandoned cart, etc)
Content planning and research
Written, designed and branded in your voice and branding
Use your photos or access royalty free stock photos
Create engaging photo graphics


I can use Campaigner, MailChimp, Salesforce Marketing Cloud, Constant Contact, Klaviyo or can discuss other options. You need to have an existing account or I can assist in setting it up and uploading your customer base (extra cost). I do NOT purchase lists.
I can write the copy from just copy points and your website, create Call to Actions that WORK and titles that create interest to open. I can match HEX colors to your website and make as many revisions as you would like!


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I have noticed that your business is showing on google but it's not on the first page, so I wanted to personally reach out and help you.
By giving you a $500 google ads voucher, that you can use to advertise your business on first page positions.

I am going to be completely honest,

I am NOT going to sell you anything. I am just telling you how to get this voucher as most people don't know about it.

And if you get it. I am going to receive a small affiliate commission for it.
Just being transparent.....


How to get the voucher?

Simply click on this link &amp; sign up for any package and you are going to receive a $500 voucher right away.
You can sign up for a free trial and claim it from the support before you get charged anything, so you know this is not some scam haha.

I am a real person and I like to keep it real!

Here is the link for the voucher again. just click here and then contact the support, they reply pretty fast.


Best of luck!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I have noticed that your business is showing on google but it's not on the first page, so I wanted to personally reach out and help you.
By giving you a $500 google ads voucher, that you can use to advertise your business on first page positions.

I am going to be completely honest,

I am NOT going to sell you anything. I am just telling you how to get this voucher as most people don't know about it.

And if you get it. I am going to receive a small affiliate commission for it.
Just being transparent.....


How to get the voucher?

Simply click on this link &amp; sign up for any package and you are going to receive a $500 voucher right away.
You can sign up for a free trial and claim it from the support before you get charged anything, so you know this is not some scam haha.

I am a real person and I like to keep it real!

Here is the link for the voucher again. just click here and then contact the support, they reply pretty fast.


Best of luck!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I have noticed that your business is showing on google but it's not on the first page, so I wanted to personally reach out and help you.
By giving you a $500 google ads voucher, that you can use to advertise your business on first page positions.

I am going to be completely honest,

I am NOT going to sell you anything. I am just telling you how to get this voucher as most people don't know about it.

And if you get it. I am going to receive a small affiliate commission for it.
Just being transparent.....


How to get the voucher?

Simply click on this link &amp; sign up for any package and you are going to receive a $500 voucher right away.
You can sign up for a free trial and claim it from the support before you get charged anything, so you know this is not some scam haha.

I am a real person and I like to keep it real!

Here is the link for the voucher again. just click here and then contact the support, they reply pretty fast.


Best of luck!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I have noticed that your business is showing on google but it's not on the first page, so I wanted to personally reach out and help you.
By giving you a $500 google ads voucher, that you can use to advertise your business on first page positions.

I am going to be completely honest,

I am NOT going to sell you anything. I am just telling you how to get this voucher as most people don't know about it.

And if you get it. I am going to receive a small affiliate commission for it.
Just being transparent.....


How to get the voucher?

Simply click on this link &amp; sign up for any package and you are going to receive a $500 voucher right away.
You can sign up for a free trial and claim it from the support before you get charged anything, so you know this is not some scam haha.

I am a real person and I like to keep it real!

Here is the link for the voucher again. just click here and then contact the support, they reply pretty fast.


Best of luck!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I have noticed that your business is showing on google but it's not on the first page, so I wanted to personally reach out and help you.
By giving you a $500 google ads voucher, that you can use to advertise your business on first page positions.

I am going to be completely honest,

I am NOT going to sell you anything. I am just telling you how to get this voucher as most people don't know about it.

And if you get it. I am going to receive a small affiliate commission for it.
Just being transparent.....


How to get the voucher?

Simply click on this link &amp; sign up for any package and you are going to receive a $500 voucher right away.
You can sign up for a free trial and claim it from the support before you get charged anything, so you know this is not some scam haha.

I am a real person and I like to keep it real!

Here is the link for the voucher again. just click here and then contact the support, they reply pretty fast.


Best of luck!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I have noticed that your business is showing on google but it's not on the first page, so I wanted to personally reach out and help you.
By giving you a $500 google ads voucher, that you can use to advertise your business on first page positions.

I am going to be completely honest,

I am NOT going to sell you anything. I am just telling you how to get this voucher as most people don't know about it.

And if you get it. I am going to receive a small affiliate commission for it.
Just being transparent.....


How to get the voucher?

Simply click on this link &amp; sign up for any package and you are going to receive a $500 voucher right away.
You can sign up for a free trial and claim it from the support before you get charged anything, so you know this is not some scam haha.

I am a real person and I like to keep it real!

Here is the link for the voucher again. just click here and then contact the support, they reply pretty fast.


Best of luck!

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I’m Subash &amp; a verified Fiverr Pro seller. I'm a Product Designer &amp; UX Researcher. I not only make UI designs but also solve user problems while creating user-centric design for your business.
I'm always open to signing an NDA

�������� The way I’ll help you

* Clarify &amp; discuss your business goal, target &amp; challenges
* Research + Competitor analysis + User flow/Roadmap + Information Architecture
* Wireframe + Visual mood board
* Interactive prototype
* Create a visual design
* Style Guide for development
* You send reviews, I provide iterations, you’re happy, I’ll finish the project

✊ I have completed more than 140+ projects &amp; successful cooperation with 90+ clients from 26+ countries worldwide.

�������� What do I need from you to start your website design?

* Brief/Story/Specification requirements
* Some of your competitors' websites. (If any)
* Provide your style guide &amp; logo in AI/EPS &amp; PSD format? (If any)

�������� Final deliverable files
Only design source files with all necessary assets and detailed guidelines for your developers without codes.


�������� If you want to have development support, we need to discuss separately.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

We are professional web designer highly experienced in Wordpress, HTML, JAVASCRIPT and CSS. We are always willing to help our customers and offer them the best web project.

link ; https://bit.ly/website-design-service1

What's Special In This GIG?
We will build a responsive Wordpress website for your business. Easy to edit by your company to update all the content efficiently and quickly. 100% Responsive on all devices. This also includes the below services:

Clean, Elegant &amp; Responsive Wordpress Website Design with Blogfully responsive website as per your requirements
100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
support &amp; maintenance 24/7
optimal performance of the website.

Some bonuses in my package include:

FREE of COST consultation.
7 days after completion support.
Responsive to any mobile, tablet and desktop
Social Link Integration of your business
Beautiful &amp; Elegant Popups to attract visitor attention
Security and Speed Optimized


Improving Speed
Adding of new content
If you have any question feel free to contact us!


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

If you want To Boost Your Site Ranking On Google First page. You Need To Build Powerful High Quality Dofollow SEO Backlinks Service From High Authority Websites.

Are You Confuse About Website Ranking And Achieving The Targets Of Ranking?
Don’t Worry! I Will Boost your site ranking with High Quality SEO Dofollow Backlinks


Main Features

white hat link building
Guest Post DA/PA or DR/UR 49~20
High Quality Web Blog Posts
Authority profiles Backlinks
Unique IPs
100% Manual Work and Natural Sites
Unique Content

Benefits Of This Service:

Improved Rankings
Increased DA, PA, UR, DR,
Website Growth
Organic Keywords Rankings
Increased Organic Traffic


If you want to improve your SERP position and rank in search results, We recommend you buy the Premium package of the gig. You have the option of Drip-feed. In this strategy, we schedule backlinks for a month or 15 days.
Knock at me if you have any Question or place an order to proceed.



time.oneyearago | Հյուր

If you are looking for a Modern and Professional Business logo design, then you are at the right place. I will take your brand to the sky by designing it professionally. I have expertise in Typography and will provide you the best services.

How do I work?
- Initially, I make several minimalist logo concepts for you (depending upon the package you selected). Either you choose the winner logo or request for revisions.


Why only Me?

100% Original work
Hundreds of Satisfied clients globally
Fluent English
Reliable and Quick communication.
Unlimited revisions
Source and editable files with high quality. (Depending on the package you purchase).


Multiple Styles that I am an expert in
minimalist logo | luxury | professional | modern logo | hand-drawn | feminine | signature | professional | minimal | unique | creative | flat | luxury | business | branding

Kindly select STANDARD or PREMIUM pack for best results similar to my portfolio.
Still, Have queries? Contact me inbox anytime!


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

We are professional web designer highly experienced in Wordpress, HTML, JAVASCRIPT and CSS. We are always willing to help our customers and offer them the best web project.

link : https://vocal.media/education/website-design-for-business

What's Special In This GIG?
We will build a responsive Wordpress website for your business. Easy to edit by your company to update all the content efficiently and quickly. 100% Responsive on all devices. This also includes the below services:

Clean, Elegant &amp; Responsive Wordpress Website Design with Blogfully responsive website as per your requirements
100% Customer Satisfaction Guarantee
support &amp; maintenance 24/7
optimal performance of the website.

Some bonuses in my package include:

FREE of COST consultation.
7 days after completion support.
Responsive to any mobile, tablet and desktop
Social Link Integration of your business
Beautiful &amp; Elegant Popups to attract visitor attention
Security and Speed Optimized


Improving Speed
Adding of new content
If you have any question feel free to contact us!


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

We are VELVAR agency, Google Partner Agency and we have managed over $3.200.000 over different accounts while working with companies from a wide range of fields, from large e-commerce businesses to small, local venues or NGO
Google Ads is the starting point for your potential customers when searching Google. When a business has a great product or service with a poorly run campaign, a solution is needed to turn this around.
Thats where we come in!


Our Google Ads Certified Specialists will create a campaign meant to bring you quality traffic, following Google's best practices.
We use the Single Keyword Ad Group (SKAG) approach which allows complete control over your campaign and can supercharge quality score and CTR.


What's included in this service:

Search Campaign Creation (Responsive &amp; Call Ads)
Keyword Research
Extensions &amp; Audiences
Campaign Goal &amp; Bidding Strategy Recommendations
Voucher For Ad Spend (value depending on location and only for accounts which received the first impression in the past 14 days)
Free Long-Term Support Included With All Packages!


Please send us a message before ordering the service.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Stop losing customers over deleted emails!

My name is Rafael, and I am the creative director of the new, up-and-coming Ink Ribbon Copywriting Agency that's providing customers like you with powerful converting copy.
If you're ready for copywriting that sparks interests and catches your seller's attention right away, then let's talk. I work with a team of copywriters with backgrounds in marketing, business, and psychology and a combined 10+ years of copywriting experience.


If you work with us, you'll get:
Email copy that sells itself: stop wasting days trying to figure out the right email copy; we'll write emails that do the work for you.
World-class customer service: Our customers in North America, South America, Africa, Europe, Australia, and Asia love what we do. Just check out our reviews!


The only copywriting you'll ever need: Get it done right the first time.
Are you ready to see just how awesome your emails can be? Send me a message. We'll talk and come up with a plan together. It's that easy!


Oh, and don't forget that all our copywriting is backed by a 100% money-back guarantee.*

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business owner,

As a business owner, you know how important it is to reach out to your customers and potential customers. Email marketing is one of the most effective ways to do that, and GetResponse is here to help. Our AI email marketing tool is easy to use and will revolutionize the way you reach out to your audience.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your business to the next level. Try GetResponse today.

Link : https://bit.ly/get-response0

Best regards,

The GetResponse Team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business Owner,

We know that time is money, and as a business owner, you need to be as productive as possible. GetResponse can help you save time while increasing your revenue. Our AI email marketing tool is designed to help you create targeted campaigns that drive sales.

Why waste your time on ineffective marketing strategies? GetResponse can help you take your business to the next level. Try it out today!

Link : https://bit.ly/get-response0

Best regards,

The GetResponse Team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business Owner,

In today's fast-paced world, it's more important than ever to build strong relationships with your customers. That's why personalization is key. GetResponse makes it easy to personalize your email marketing campaigns with our AI technology.

By tailoring your emails to each customer, you can build trust and loyalty, and ultimately increase sales. Don't miss out on this opportunity to take your business to the next level. Try GetResponse today.


Best regards,

The GetResponse Team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business owner,

Are you tired of sending out emails that go unread? Is your email marketing falling short of your expectations? You're not alone. Many business owners struggle with creating effective email campaigns that drive results.

But with GetResponse, you can turn your email marketing game around. Our AI technology makes it easy to create targeted campaigns that resonate with your audience. Say goodbye to ineffective emails and hello to success. Try GetResponse today.

Link : https://bit.ly/get-response0

Best regards,

The GetResponse Team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business Owner,

Are you tired of sending out generic emails that don't resonate with your audience? With GetResponse, you can say goodbye to impersonal emails and hello to personalized campaigns that drive results.

Our AI technology makes it easy to create targeted emails that speak directly to your customers' needs. Say goodbye to ineffective emails and hello to success. Try GetResponse today.


Best regards,

The GetResponse Team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business Owner,

Are you frustrated with your email marketing's lack of conversions? You're not alone. Many business owners struggle with creating effective campaigns that drive results.

But with GetResponse, you can turn your email marketing game around. Our AI technology makes it easy to create targeted campaigns that convert. Say goodbye to ineffective emails and hello to success. Try GetResponse today.


Best regards,

The GetResponse Team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Business Owner,

Are you tired of sending out emails that go unread? With GetResponse, you can transform your email marketing strategy and start driving results. Our AI technology makes it easy to create targeted campaigns that resonate with your audience.

Say goodbye to ineffective emails and hello to success. Try GetResponse today and see the difference for yourself.


Best regards,

The GetResponse Team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear [First Name],

Are you tired of spending hours on end creating email campaigns? With GetResponse, you can streamline your email marketing efforts with our powerful automation tools.

Our AI technology makes it easy to create targeted campaigns that drive results, without the hassle of manual email creation. Say goodbye to wasted time and hello to increased productivity. Try GetResponse today.


Best regards,

The GetResponse Team

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Are you looking to grow your personal or business Instagram page?

The service is 100% organic engagement and follower growth. If you wish to grow your Instagram page organically and manually, this gig is the right choice
If you won't be satisfied then I will refund your money :)

Link : https://bit.ly/socialmediaservice2

Recommended for INSTAGRAM personal brand &amp; business ACCOUNTS


Increase Profile/Website Visit
Real Active Audience
Real and Natural Engagement
Get Recognised by Artificial Intelligence Algorithm.

Link : https://bit.ly/socialmediaservice2


All the work is done manually in a 100% safe and organized manner.
No FAKE Account.

Link : https://bit.ly/socialmediaservice2

if need any guidance or suggestion ( no charges for a lifetime).
assurance of SAFE &amp; QUALITY Service


Interact with Your targeted Audience through (Following, Liking, and Unfollowing)




Competitors Pages/Hashtags.


Link : https://bit.ly/socialmediaservice2

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Instagram Shoutout Service : Message me before ordering!

Currently offering the chance for you to get your message across to my audiences on my Social Media Experts Instagram with over 600K Followers.

An ad consisting of the content you choose will be run for 24hrs on an Instagram page. Based on the package you choose it will either be run on the pages story, feed, or both.

Link : https://bit.ly/Instagramshoutout1

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

At my fingertips are 34,998 media outlets and 951,546 individual journalists. I can pinpoint over 400 industry and Trade-specific subject categories.

Link : https://bit.ly/press-release3


First, Ill identify what your customers read, watch, or listen to and build a custom media list. Next, I'll submit your press release via e-mail to journalists who cover your topic. Finally, I'll provide a distribution report (MS Excel file). Your list will include:

Daily &amp; Weekly Newspapers - Easiest publicity to get, since many papers are in your backyard. Weekly papers have small circulations but are well read.

Consumer &amp; Trade Magazines - One small blurb in a targeted trade journal or major magazine can skyrocket sales.

Online Publications - Many people read news stories online. One click away from your news story.

Radio/TV Stations - Many radio shows will interview you by phone! A single appearance on a major network TV talk show or even a local TV talk show in your area can deliver great results!

Link : https://bit.ly/press-release3

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hey Adnan Here, As a Professional IOS and Android Developer.

I am writing to introduce myself as an experienced iOS Developer with over three years of experience. I have worked on projects ranging from small business apps to large enterprise-level apps.

I am confident that I can help you build an innovative and efficient iOS app that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. With my experience and expertise in the field, I am sure that I can deliver a high-quality product that will be a great asset to your business.

Are you looking For a Developer to convert your UI design into mobile App development then you're at the right place.

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

My Services:

Convert you design into App development in IOS and Android.
I will make IOS Application in swift 5
I will integrate 3rd Party frameworks.
I will integrate 3rd Party Apis, (Facebook, Google, Google maps) SDK
I will fix any bugs in existing IOS and Android application
I will integrate Google Maps
Push Notifications with Firebase
I will integrate backend services of Firebase
I will develop backend database for your apps
I will integrate IOS and Android Charts/ Graphs

What do I need:

Your business idea

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I am Warda, a professional front-end developer, UI UX Designer &amp; Illustrator.
I am passionate about and believe in best practices and modern trends in website design. Your website design is the first thing your customers see. That's why I design pages that reflect your style and industry.
I have been working in the digital industry for 5 years with clients from all over the world.

Link : https://bit.ly/websitedesign05

What will you get?

Optimized for fast loading on every device
Fully responsive on every device
Unlimited revisions
Custom and unique website design according to Modren Trends
SEO on the web
Integrate security into your website

Link : https://bit.ly/websitedesign05

To begin with, I will need from you:

Your logo/brand identity (if not, I'll create it for you)
Your business name and services
A brief description of what you need
Any sample design you are inspired by (I will create more attractive design layout for you)
Your competitors' websites

Link : https://bit.ly/websitedesign05

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will Increase MOZ DA of your website and guaranteed increase Domain Authority to rank higher on Google.
I will build redirect high authority do-follow backlinks DA 90+ using Google subdomains to increase DA PA of your website.
To rank on Google and compete your competitors you need a high authority website.

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice65

With my SEO SERVICE, I will increase Moz domain authority moz DA by building dofollow backlinks and it will increase your website ranking.


Spam Free.
All tactics are safe.
White hat!
100% Clean &amp; Clear.
100% Manual
Do-Follow only
Safe from Google Core, Penguin, Medic &amp; Panda update.
No penalty

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice65

Order Now &amp; double your revenue within days

(increase DA)(Increase Moz DA)(increase Domain Authority)

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice65

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hello There !
You want to see your next Google Adwords Search Campaign successful right? I'll do that for you to bring best results.

Link : https://bit.ly/SEMservice

About me :

I am Konain, a Certified Google Ads, AdW0rds and PPC Campaign Specialist with 3 years of hands-on experience. I've successfully managed millions of dollars of Ad Spent until now and have helped brands to boom.
I'll Setup Google Ads adwords PPC campaign, which will include:

Keyword Research &amp; Optimization
Negative Keywords Research
Outstanding Ad Copies
A/B Testing Of Ads
Landing Page Tests
Alpha &amp; Beta Campaigns Set-Up
Extensions Setup
Competitor Analysis
Review &amp; Report

Link : https://bit.ly/SEMservice

Why me?

I take limited number of projects at a time and will be dedicating my full support to your campaign.
I'll help you achieve max ROI and min CPC with your Google AdW0rds Campaign.
3+ years of experience.
Already worked with 300+ clients.

Confused? Let's have a quick chat and discuss. Inbox Now!

Link : https://bit.ly/SEMservice

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

We're a team of SEO Experts in Melbourne working with businesses worldwide to get the best out of the online world. We have got delivered gigs to more than 24,000 Customers since 2011.

Link : https://bit.ly/LocalSEO9

Benefits of this gig:

Increase Social Buzz in Local Area
Best for Local and Maps rankings
100% Name, Address, Phone (NAP) Consistency on Google Maps
Manual Submissions with live links in the report
Fastest delivery
Google Panda, Hummingbird, and Penguin safe
More than 4000 Reviews
All countries accepted

Link : https://bit.ly/LocalSEO9

To get ranked on Google Maps there are few things which are essential. I have created this gig to cover those things. I have explained everything below.



Google Maps Citations = 175. These are the citations that are created when various Google Users save your business details. Scroll down to FAQ for more information.


Go ogle Maps Citations = 325
Business Listings = 30
Bookmarks with NAP = 30


Google Maps Citations = 500
Business Listings = 40
Bookmarks with NAP = 40

Get your order today!

Link : https://bit.ly/LocalSEO9

Ravi Sharma

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear Client:

Pictory Ai is an innovative platform that simplifies video production. With its advanced AI technology, you can create stunning social media videos, explainer videos, and short video ads with ease. The user-friendly interface and customizable templates make it easy for anyone to create professional-looking videos, even without prior experience.

CLICK HERE: https://t.ly/rlV1O to sign up Pictory AI and get SPECIAL DEAL  and FREE GIFT.

Pictory Ai saves you time and resources by allowing you to produce high-quality videos in a fraction of the time it would take to do so manually. With its fast and efficient video production capabilities, you can focus on other aspects of your business, such as marketing and customer engagement.

In conclusion, if you want to create high-quality videos with ease, Pictory Ai is the perfect solution for you. With its advanced features and user-friendly interface, you can create professional-looking videos in no time. So why wait? Click here:  https://t.ly/rlV1O to learn more about the Pictory Ai  today! Start creating amazing videos that will help you reach your target audience and grow your business.

Best Regards,
William Johnson,
CEO of Stellar Solutions Inc.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hey Adnan Here, As a Professional IOS and Android Developer.

I am writing to introduce myself as an experienced iOS Developer with over three years of experience. I have worked on projects ranging from small business apps to large enterprise-level apps.

I am confident that I can help you build an innovative and efficient iOS app that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. With my experience and expertise in the field, I am sure that I can deliver a high-quality product that will be a great asset to your business.

Are you looking For a Developer to convert your UI design into mobile App development then you're at the right place.

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

My Services:

Convert you design into App development in IOS and Android.
I will make IOS Application in swift 5
I will integrate 3rd Party frameworks.
I will integrate 3rd Party Apis, (Facebook, Google, Google maps) SDK
I will fix any bugs in existing IOS and Android application
I will integrate Google Maps
Push Notifications with Firebase
I will integrate backend services of Firebase
I will develop backend database for your apps
I will integrate IOS and Android Charts/ Graphs

What do I need:

Your business idea

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Are you fed up with being trapped in your financial rut? Are you striving for financial freedom but nothing seems to be working? Discover this Brand New Solution to all your financial problems with this FREE GIFT that has taken the Spiritual Communities by Storm!
With just a click of button, Enroll in our program now and unlock the secrets to awakening to the fact that infinite abundance is achieved by activating your Wealth DNA Code. bit.ly/AdvancedWealthDNAO
Watch the video in the link below first and you'll understand how we revolutionized the manifestation game, This Bestseller is specifically designed to help you eliminate those limiting beliefs that are sabotaging your success. Believe it or not, true wealth originates within you. Unleash your "Wealth DNA," and abundance will effortlessly manifest into your life. But wait, there's more! We have integrated all our knowledge of Chakra Secrets, Kundalini Awakened knowledge ,Manifestation, Crystals, Astrology &amp; Numerology to our advanced program (Find Link Below) which dives into the Absolute Core of your Psyche and gives you the personalized secret to unlock your "Wealth DNA" and achieve ultimate financial success.
What are you waiting for, this most up-to-date Wealth Manifestation system that has delved into the Secrets of the Universe and integrated it into a EASILY WORKABLE SYSTEM that is PROVEN to generate EFFORTLESS Wealth Attraction!
Click here for your advanced personalized system: bit.ly/AdvancedWealthDNAO

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hey Adnan Here, As a Professional IOS and Android Developer.

I am writing to introduce myself as an experienced iOS Developer with over three years of experience. I have worked on projects ranging from small business apps to large enterprise-level apps.

I am confident that I can help you build an innovative and efficient iOS app that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. With my experience and expertise in the field, I am sure that I can deliver a high-quality product that will be a great asset to your business.

Are you looking For a Developer to convert your UI design into mobile App development then you're at the right place.

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

My Services:

Convert you design into App development in IOS and Android.
I will make IOS Application in swift 5
I will integrate 3rd Party frameworks.
I will integrate 3rd Party Apis, (Facebook, Google, Google maps) SDK
I will fix any bugs in existing IOS and Android application
I will integrate Google Maps
Push Notifications with Firebase
I will integrate backend services of Firebase
I will develop backend database for your apps
I will integrate IOS and Android Charts/ Graphs

What do I need:

Your business idea

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Greetings !

Have an Idea of website design and want it to be customized ?

Well with amazing themes , Eye Catching colors and beautiful animations added to your website , I got you covered

Link : https://bit.ly/websitedesignservice1

With my Expertise In Website designing on Word press , WIX Shopify and square space , I will Get your work done with top priority .
EXPERINCE : I have 2+ Years of experience in website development &amp; Designing and have been working on Word press ,Shopify ,WIX and Square space for more than 2 Years . Have done many projects for my personal clients with good and positive reviews . Have done professional work for designing of websites with an Agency as well for almost a year .
HONESTY : I will be transparent and Upfront with you about your work and will not waste any of your time . I will decide the amount of the project and delivery time of the project with you and If I will be unable to do anything I'll let you know so that you can save your time .

Link : https://bit.ly/websitedesignservice1

. Unlimited revisions
. Highly experienced
. easy to use on mobile
. Discounts for the repetitive users
. I can work on WIX web sites
. I can work on WordPress web sites
. I can work on Shopify web sites
. I can work on Square Space web site

Link : https://bit.ly/websitedesignservice1

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Guaranteed Increase your website domain rating on ahrefs tool 60 plus.

if you are look to increase your site dr domain rating (dr) up to 60 plus
So you are right place. I providing this service increase dr 60 plus.

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice01

What i will do ?
i will do create High dr domain rating quality permanent back links for this job. we use contextual back-links these links will boost your scores

Is This safe?
Yes, this is Safe.

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice01

What is Ur dr domain rating ?

domain rating on ahrefs is the product of Ah-refs seo tool.

It is one of the top-ranking factors used by Google's algorithms to determine the credibility of a site and give top page rankings accordingly.

Quality Do follow Link Building
Google penalty safe.
100% Satisfaction

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice01

Why me?

Friendly Customer Service
Google Indexation Guaranteed
Delivery On Time
100% Guaranteed increase in DR up to 60 plus in 30 days.

Please contact me before you place an order
Note Please : We Accepted all niches

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

So, you are here.

Obviously, you are not happy with "The way things are" today with your brand or business. The way you'd like them to be. "The way things should be".

Link : https://bit.ly/promovideoforbusiness

So, what's the best lead generation tactic to focus on today?
What's going to trigger your audience to take action?

Link : https://bit.ly/promovideoforbusiness

Make them stop the infinite scroll?


A video ad that tells a story, aligns with your brand, and makes them do something. Makes them click and go to your website finally.
I have helped more than 500 clients (and counting) become better, effective, and successful with a powerful tool of the video ad.
Don't believe me? I get it. Please scroll down a bit and see for yourself. There are hundreds of client reviews on my profile for you to make sure that I am the right fit for you to make your business, brand, event, product, service or website stand out in the crowd.

Link : https://bit.ly/promovideoforbusiness

The process:

Easy. Select your desired package, click on that "Continue" button and place your order today.
If you have any queries, please shoot me a message anytime. I have a 100% response rate.
Still, think you can compete without video?

Link : https://bit.ly/promovideoforbusiness

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi #BrandBoss!

Hundreds of clients have asked for it so its finally here! A brand new gig dedicated to defining a powerful mission, vision &amp; core values for your business / personal brand.
One of the fundamental building blocks of a revolutionary brand is a clear definition of what you offer, what you stand for &amp; how you envision your brand growing. Achieving clarity is the most important step on your journey from taking your brand from bland to booming.

Link : https://bit.ly/toneforbusiness

Having a flawlessly crafted mission, vision &amp; core values mapped out helps in three essential areas:

Connect with your target audience by letting them in on the value that you offer &amp; the fundamental principles that make your brand tick.
Inspire your team to reach new heights with a comprehensive picture of how you work, where youre headed &amp; whats most important to you.
Shape your business as you grow, guide you towards your goals &amp; keep you on the fast-track to success.

Link : https://bit.ly/toneforbusiness

Awe-inspiring 'Power Statements' will keep you and your team confidently focused on what is at the heart of your brand &amp; will help you to stand heads &amp; shoulders above the crowd.
You only have one chance to make a first impression - make it count!

Link : https://bit.ly/toneforbusiness

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

*** Please contact before placing the order to discuss the feasibility of Chatbot development ***

Interested to add a virtual assistant or an interactive agent for your business?

Link : https://bit.ly/AIchatbotforbusiness

This is the chatbot's generation!

Congratulations !! you are making the best choice to improve your business and make your assistance service more attractive! This is the right place to order one! And I'm sure you will be more than happy.

I can make you a smart chatbot that can handle the discussion and answer your clients' FAQ. That way, you can sell more by being present on messaging apps platforms (Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Slack ...) while you are sleeping or having fun.

Link : https://bit.ly/AIchatbotforbusiness

What can you expect:

Welcome message
Interactive responses
Rich messaging

If you want an excellent chatbot that saves you money and time, I'm always here at your service.

Feel free to contact me and we will get in touch ASAP!

We can add more APIs or any other platforms to your bot and we will discuss offers or make a special offer for you.

Link : https://bit.ly/AIchatbotforbusiness

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

*** Please contact before placing the order to discuss the feasibility of Chatbot development ***

Interested to add a virtual assistant or an interactive agent for your business?

Link : https://bit.ly/AIchatbotforbusiness

This is the chatbot's generation!

Congratulations !! you are making the best choice to improve your business and make your assistance service more attractive! This is the right place to order one! And I'm sure you will be more than happy.

I can make you a smart chatbot that can handle the discussion and answer your clients' FAQ. That way, you can sell more by being present on messaging apps platforms (Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Slack ...) while you are sleeping or having fun.

Link : https://bit.ly/AIchatbotforbusiness

What can you expect:

Welcome message
Interactive responses
Rich messaging

If you want an excellent chatbot that saves you money and time, I'm always here at your service.

Feel free to contact me and we will get in touch ASAP!

We can add more APIs or any other platforms to your bot and we will discuss offers or make a special offer for you.

Link : https://bit.ly/AIchatbotforbusiness

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hey Adnan Here, As a Professional IOS and Android Developer.

I am writing to introduce myself as an experienced iOS Developer with over three years of experience. I have worked on projects ranging from small business apps to large enterprise-level apps.

I am confident that I can help you build an innovative and efficient iOS app that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. With my experience and expertise in the field, I am sure that I can deliver a high-quality product that will be a great asset to your business.

Are you looking For a Developer to convert your UI design into mobile App development then you're at the right place.

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

My Services:

Convert you design into App development in IOS and Android.
I will make IOS Application in swift 5
I will integrate 3rd Party frameworks.
I will integrate 3rd Party Apis, (Facebook, Google, Google maps) SDK
I will fix any bugs in existing IOS and Android application
I will integrate Google Maps
Push Notifications with Firebase
I will integrate backend services of Firebase
I will develop backend database for your apps
I will integrate IOS and Android Charts/ Graphs

What do I need:

Your business idea

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Greetings !

Have an Idea of website design and want it to be customized ?

Well with amazing themes , Eye Catching colors and beautiful animations added to your website , I got you covered

Link : https://bit.ly/websitedesignservice1

With my Expertise In Website designing on Word press , WIX Shopify and square space , I will Get your work done with top priority .
EXPERINCE : I have 2+ Years of experience in website development &amp; Designing and have been working on Word press ,Shopify ,WIX and Square space for more than 2 Years . Have done many projects for my personal clients with good and positive reviews . Have done professional work for designing of websites with an Agency as well for almost a year .
HONESTY : I will be transparent and Upfront with you about your work and will not waste any of your time . I will decide the amount of the project and delivery time of the project with you and If I will be unable to do anything I'll let you know so that you can save your time .

Link : https://bit.ly/websitedesignservice1

. Unlimited revisions
. Highly experienced
. easy to use on mobile
. Discounts for the repetitive users
. I can work on WIX web sites
. I can work on WordPress web sites
. I can work on Shopify web sites
. I can work on Square Space web site

Link : https://bit.ly/websitedesignservice1

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Jasper: The AI Writing Partner That's Always On Time and On Topic. check it out ; https://cd.komputerize.com/jasper

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Guaranteed Increase your website domain rating on ahrefs tool 60 plus.

if you are look to increase your site dr domain rating (dr) up to 60 plus
So you are right place. I providing this service increase dr 60 plus.

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice01

What i will do ?
i will do create High dr domain rating quality permanent back links for this job. we use contextual back-links these links will boost your scores

Is This safe?
Yes, this is Safe.

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice01

What is Ur dr domain rating ?

domain rating on ahrefs is the product of Ah-refs seo tool.

It is one of the top-ranking factors used by Google's algorithms to determine the credibility of a site and give top page rankings accordingly.

Quality Do follow Link Building
Google penalty safe.
100% Satisfaction

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice01

Why me?

Friendly Customer Service
Google Indexation Guaranteed
Delivery On Time
100% Guaranteed increase in DR up to 60 plus in 30 days.

Please contact me before you place an order
Note Please : We Accepted all niches

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

So, you are here.

Obviously, you are not happy with "The way things are" today with your brand or business. The way you'd like them to be. "The way things should be".

Link : https://bit.ly/promovideoforbusiness

So, what's the best lead generation tactic to focus on today?
What's going to trigger your audience to take action?

Link : https://bit.ly/promovideoforbusiness

Make them stop the infinite scroll?


A video ad that tells a story, aligns with your brand, and makes them do something. Makes them click and go to your website finally.
I have helped more than 500 clients (and counting) become better, effective, and successful with a powerful tool of the video ad.
Don't believe me? I get it. Please scroll down a bit and see for yourself. There are hundreds of client reviews on my profile for you to make sure that I am the right fit for you to make your business, brand, event, product, service or website stand out in the crowd.

Link : https://bit.ly/promovideoforbusiness

The process:

Easy. Select your desired package, click on that "Continue" button and place your order today.
If you have any queries, please shoot me a message anytime. I have a 100% response rate.
Still, think you can compete without video?

Link : https://bit.ly/promovideoforbusiness

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi #BrandBoss!

Hundreds of clients have asked for it so its finally here! A brand new gig dedicated to defining a powerful mission, vision &amp; core values for your business / personal brand.
One of the fundamental building blocks of a revolutionary brand is a clear definition of what you offer, what you stand for &amp; how you envision your brand growing. Achieving clarity is the most important step on your journey from taking your brand from bland to booming.

Link : https://bit.ly/toneforbusiness

Having a flawlessly crafted mission, vision &amp; core values mapped out helps in three essential areas:

Connect with your target audience by letting them in on the value that you offer &amp; the fundamental principles that make your brand tick.
Inspire your team to reach new heights with a comprehensive picture of how you work, where youre headed &amp; whats most important to you.
Shape your business as you grow, guide you towards your goals &amp; keep you on the fast-track to success.

Link : https://bit.ly/toneforbusiness

Awe-inspiring 'Power Statements' will keep you and your team confidently focused on what is at the heart of your brand &amp; will help you to stand heads &amp; shoulders above the crowd.
You only have one chance to make a first impression - make it count!

Link : https://bit.ly/toneforbusiness

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Guaranteed Increase your website domain rating on ahrefs tool 60 plus.

if you are look to increase your site dr domain rating (dr) up to 60 plus
So you are right place. I providing this service increase dr 60 plus.

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice01

What i will do ?
i will do create High dr domain rating quality permanent back links for this job. we use contextual back-links these links will boost your scores

Is This safe?
Yes, this is Safe.

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice01

What is Ur dr domain rating ?

domain rating on ahrefs is the product of Ah-refs seo tool.

It is one of the top-ranking factors used by Google's algorithms to determine the credibility of a site and give top page rankings accordingly.

Quality Do follow Link Building
Google penalty safe.
100% Satisfaction

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice01

Why me?

Friendly Customer Service
Google Indexation Guaranteed
Delivery On Time
100% Guaranteed increase in DR up to 60 plus in 30 days.

Please contact me before you place an order
Note Please : We Accepted all niches

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

So, you are here.

Obviously, you are not happy with "The way things are" today with your brand or business. The way you'd like them to be. "The way things should be".

Link : https://bit.ly/promovideoforbusiness

So, what's the best lead generation tactic to focus on today?
What's going to trigger your audience to take action?

Link : https://bit.ly/promovideoforbusiness

Make them stop the infinite scroll?


A video ad that tells a story, aligns with your brand, and makes them do something. Makes them click and go to your website finally.
I have helped more than 500 clients (and counting) become better, effective, and successful with a powerful tool of the video ad.
Don't believe me? I get it. Please scroll down a bit and see for yourself. There are hundreds of client reviews on my profile for you to make sure that I am the right fit for you to make your business, brand, event, product, service or website stand out in the crowd.

Link : https://bit.ly/promovideoforbusiness

The process:

Easy. Select your desired package, click on that "Continue" button and place your order today.
If you have any queries, please shoot me a message anytime. I have a 100% response rate.
Still, think you can compete without video?

Link : https://bit.ly/promovideoforbusiness

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi #BrandBoss!

Hundreds of clients have asked for it so its finally here! A brand new gig dedicated to defining a powerful mission, vision &amp; core values for your business / personal brand.
One of the fundamental building blocks of a revolutionary brand is a clear definition of what you offer, what you stand for &amp; how you envision your brand growing. Achieving clarity is the most important step on your journey from taking your brand from bland to booming.

Link : https://bit.ly/toneforbusiness

Having a flawlessly crafted mission, vision &amp; core values mapped out helps in three essential areas:

Connect with your target audience by letting them in on the value that you offer &amp; the fundamental principles that make your brand tick.
Inspire your team to reach new heights with a comprehensive picture of how you work, where youre headed &amp; whats most important to you.
Shape your business as you grow, guide you towards your goals &amp; keep you on the fast-track to success.

Link : https://bit.ly/toneforbusiness

Awe-inspiring 'Power Statements' will keep you and your team confidently focused on what is at the heart of your brand &amp; will help you to stand heads &amp; shoulders above the crowd.
You only have one chance to make a first impression - make it count!

Link : https://bit.ly/toneforbusiness

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

*** Please contact before placing the order to discuss the feasibility of Chatbot development ***

Interested to add a virtual assistant or an interactive agent for your business?

Link : https://bit.ly/AIchatbotforbusiness

This is the chatbot's generation!

Congratulations !! you are making the best choice to improve your business and make your assistance service more attractive! This is the right place to order one! And I'm sure you will be more than happy.

I can make you a smart chatbot that can handle the discussion and answer your clients' FAQ. That way, you can sell more by being present on messaging apps platforms (Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Slack ...) while you are sleeping or having fun.

Link : https://bit.ly/AIchatbotforbusiness

What can you expect:

Welcome message
Interactive responses
Rich messaging

If you want an excellent chatbot that saves you money and time, I'm always here at your service.

Feel free to contact me and we will get in touch ASAP!

We can add more APIs or any other platforms to your bot and we will discuss offers or make a special offer for you.

Link : https://bit.ly/AIchatbotforbusiness

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hey Adnan Here, As a Professional IOS and Android Developer.

I am writing to introduce myself as an experienced iOS Developer with over three years of experience. I have worked on projects ranging from small business apps to large enterprise-level apps.

I am confident that I can help you build an innovative and efficient iOS app that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. With my experience and expertise in the field, I am sure that I can deliver a high-quality product that will be a great asset to your business.

Are you looking For a Developer to convert your UI design into mobile App development then you're at the right place.

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

My Services:

Convert you design into App development in IOS and Android.
I will make IOS Application in swift 5
I will integrate 3rd Party frameworks.
I will integrate 3rd Party Apis, (Facebook, Google, Google maps) SDK
I will fix any bugs in existing IOS and Android application
I will integrate Google Maps
Push Notifications with Firebase
I will integrate backend services of Firebase
I will develop backend database for your apps
I will integrate IOS and Android Charts/ Graphs

What do I need:

Your business idea

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Greetings !

Have an Idea of website design and want it to be customized ?

Well with amazing themes , Eye Catching colors and beautiful animations added to your website , I got you covered

Link : https://bit.ly/websitedesignservice1

With my Expertise In Website designing on Word press , WIX Shopify and square space , I will Get your work done with top priority .
EXPERINCE : I have 2+ Years of experience in website development &amp; Designing and have been working on Word press ,Shopify ,WIX and Square space for more than 2 Years . Have done many projects for my personal clients with good and positive reviews . Have done professional work for designing of websites with an Agency as well for almost a year .
HONESTY : I will be transparent and Upfront with you about your work and will not waste any of your time . I will decide the amount of the project and delivery time of the project with you and If I will be unable to do anything I'll let you know so that you can save your time .

Link : https://bit.ly/websitedesignservice1

. Unlimited revisions
. Highly experienced
. easy to use on mobile
. Discounts for the repetitive users
. I can work on WIX web sites
. I can work on WordPress web sites
. I can work on Shopify web sites
. I can work on Square Space web site

Link : https://bit.ly/websitedesignservice1

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hey Adnan Here, As a Professional IOS and Android Developer.

I am writing to introduce myself as an experienced iOS Developer with over three years of experience. I have worked on projects ranging from small business apps to large enterprise-level apps.

I am confident that I can help you build an innovative and efficient iOS app that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. With my experience and expertise in the field, I am sure that I can deliver a high-quality product that will be a great asset to your business.

Are you looking For a Developer to convert your UI design into mobile App development then you're at the right place.

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

My Services:

Convert you design into App development in IOS and Android.
I will make IOS Application in swift 5
I will integrate 3rd Party frameworks.
I will integrate 3rd Party Apis, (Facebook, Google, Google maps) SDK
I will fix any bugs in existing IOS and Android application
I will integrate Google Maps
Push Notifications with Firebase
I will integrate backend services of Firebase
I will develop backend database for your apps
I will integrate IOS and Android Charts/ Graphs

What do I need:

Your business idea

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hey Adnan Here, As a Professional IOS and Android Developer.

I am writing to introduce myself as an experienced iOS Developer with over three years of experience. I have worked on projects ranging from small business apps to large enterprise-level apps.

I am confident that I can help you build an innovative and efficient iOS app that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. With my experience and expertise in the field, I am sure that I can deliver a high-quality product that will be a great asset to your business.

Are you looking For a Developer to convert your UI design into mobile App development then you're at the right place.

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

My Services:

Convert you design into App development in IOS and Android.
I will make IOS Application in swift 5
I will integrate 3rd Party frameworks.
I will integrate 3rd Party Apis, (Facebook, Google, Google maps) SDK
I will fix any bugs in existing IOS and Android application
I will integrate Google Maps
Push Notifications with Firebase
I will integrate backend services of Firebase
I will develop backend database for your apps
I will integrate IOS and Android Charts/ Graphs

What do I need:

Your business idea

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hey Adnan Here, As a Professional IOS and Android Developer.

I am writing to introduce myself as an experienced iOS Developer with over three years of experience. I have worked on projects ranging from small business apps to large enterprise-level apps.

I am confident that I can help you build an innovative and efficient iOS app that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. With my experience and expertise in the field, I am sure that I can deliver a high-quality product that will be a great asset to your business.

Are you looking For a Developer to convert your UI design into mobile App development then you're at the right place.

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

My Services:

Convert you design into App development in IOS and Android.
I will make IOS Application in swift 5
I will integrate 3rd Party frameworks.
I will integrate 3rd Party Apis, (Facebook, Google, Google maps) SDK
I will fix any bugs in existing IOS and Android application
I will integrate Google Maps
Push Notifications with Firebase
I will integrate backend services of Firebase
I will develop backend database for your apps
I will integrate IOS and Android Charts/ Graphs

What do I need:

Your business idea

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hey Adnan Here, As a Professional IOS and Android Developer.

I am writing to introduce myself as an experienced iOS Developer with over three years of experience. I have worked on projects ranging from small business apps to large enterprise-level apps.

I am confident that I can help you build an innovative and efficient iOS app that will meet your needs and exceed your expectations. With my experience and expertise in the field, I am sure that I can deliver a high-quality product that will be a great asset to your business.

Are you looking For a Developer to convert your UI design into mobile App development then you're at the right place.

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

My Services:

Convert you design into App development in IOS and Android.
I will make IOS Application in swift 5
I will integrate 3rd Party frameworks.
I will integrate 3rd Party Apis, (Facebook, Google, Google maps) SDK
I will fix any bugs in existing IOS and Android application
I will integrate Google Maps
Push Notifications with Firebase
I will integrate backend services of Firebase
I will develop backend database for your apps
I will integrate IOS and Android Charts/ Graphs

What do I need:

Your business idea

Link : https://bit.ly/appcreation5

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 400 contextual dofollow white hat high da seo backlinks for google ranking for 5$.


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 400 contextual dofollow white hat high da seo backlinks for google ranking for 5$.


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will convert website to webview based pro mobile apps android and IOS for 20$.

cancel anytime if you dont like it.

link : https://bit.ly/mobileapp-creation-service

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will convert your website into mobile app both android and IOS for 5$

cancel anytime if you dont like it.

link : https://bit.ly/mobileappcreations

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hey Website I found That your website has lots of problem like seo, website design, backlink and more..

All of this problem is solved by proffesionals starting from 5$.

I suggest to order pro service for fast service..

link : https://bit.ly/fiverr-services1

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Go High Level is a software solution designed to help you manage your customer relationships, automate your sales processes and boost your lead generation efforts. Sometimes you need an extra set of hands (or, in this case, brains) to get things done, and that’s where CRM tools like GHL come in.

GoHighLevel is the brainchild of Shaun Clark. Shaun founded HighLevel in 2018 to help small businesses and agencies automate and scale.

Try for free : https://bit.ly/gohighlevell

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Are you struggling to grow your business online? If so, check out Fortune Bots – a comprehensive training program that can help you build high-converting chatbots that generate leads, increase conversions, and improve customer satisfaction.

With Fortune Bots, you'll learn how to build chatbots even if you have no technical skills, and receive bonus resources to help you monetize them. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to take your business to the next level. Click here to learn more: https://milesmarketing--chasereiner.thrivecart.com/fortune-bots/.

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Go High Level is a software solution designed to help you manage your customer relationships, automate your sales processes and boost your lead generation efforts. Sometimes you need an extra set of hands (or, in this case, brains) to get things done, and that’s where CRM tools like GHL come in.

GoHighLevel is the brainchild of Shaun Clark. Shaun founded HighLevel in 2018 to help small businesses and agencies automate and scale.

Try for free : https://bit.ly/gohighlevell

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 400 contextual dofollow white hat high da seo backlinks for google ranking for 5$

Link :  https://bit.ly/seoservice02

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will create high quality da 50 to 90 backlinks, guest posts, off page SEO for 5$

Link :  https://bit.ly/seoservice5

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will make SEO backlinks da50 homepage blogroll or sidebar report for 5$

Link :  https://bit.ly/seoservice6

over 5500 order completed..

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will create high quality da 50 to 90 backlinks, guest posts, off page SEO for 5$

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice5

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will create website design, website mockup, wordpress landing page design for 15$

Link : https://bit.ly/websitedesignservice2

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Go High Level is a software solution designed to help you manage your customer relationships, automate your sales processes and boost your lead generation efforts. Sometimes you need an extra set of hands (or, in this case, brains) to get things done, and that’s where CRM tools like GHL come in.

GoHighLevel is the brainchild of Shaun Clark. Shaun founded HighLevel in 2018 to help small businesses and agencies automate and scale.

Full review link  : https://worldnewspot.com/gohighlevel-review-2023-is-highlevel-worth-it/

Try for Free..

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Go High Level is a software solution designed to help you manage your customer relationships, automate your sales processes and boost your lead generation efforts. Sometimes you need an extra set of hands (or, in this case, brains) to get things done, and that’s where CRM tools like GHL come in.

GoHighLevel is the brainchild of Shaun Clark. Shaun founded HighLevel in 2018 to help small businesses and agencies automate and scale.

Full review link  : https://worldnewspot.com/gohighlevel-review-2023-is-highlevel-worth-it/

Try for Free..

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Go High Level is a software solution designed to help you manage your customer relationships, automate your sales processes and boost your lead generation efforts. Sometimes you need an extra set of hands (or, in this case, brains) to get things done, and that’s where CRM tools like GHL come in.

GoHighLevel is the brainchild of Shaun Clark. Shaun founded HighLevel in 2018 to help businesses and agencies automate and scale.

Full review link  : https://worldnewspot.com/gohighlevel-review-2023-is-highlevel-worth-it/

Try for Free..

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Dear ashleyhome.am Team,

I hope this message finds you well. As you may know, there has been a recent rise in cyber attacks targeting Elementor plugins, which can compromise the security and functionality of your WordPress site. That's why I wanted to let you know about our "Clean Hacked WordPress Site" service, which can help you protect your online presence and ensure the safety of your website.

Our team of experienced professionals specializes in identifying and eliminating any malicious code, plugins, or files that compromise the integrity of your website, restoring it to its former glory and protecting it from future security breaches. You can learn more about our service and its benefits by visiting our product page at https://t.ly/xRcs.

Don't wait until it's too late to secure your WordPress site – contact us today and let us ensure its safety and functionality. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Best regards,

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi, I came across your business via google, while everything looks on point, don't let your business fall behind in the competitive world of local search, with more people searching for local businesses online, having a high Google My Busin(GMB) ranking is crucial for gaining visibility and attracting new customers. Our highly skilled professional Talha will do all the work for you and you will start seeing the results in your online sales.

Link : https://bit.ly/gmboptimization1

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Hi, I came across your business via google, while everything looks on point, don't let your business fall behind in the competitive world of local search, with more people searching for local businesses online, having a high Google My Busin(GMB) ranking is crucial for gaining visibility and attracting new customers. Our highly skilled professional Talha will do all the work for you and you will start seeing the results in your online sales.

Link : https://bit.ly/gmboptimization1

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will help you rank higher on google with safe high da SEO contextual backlinks for 5$

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice7

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will help you rank higher on google with safe high da SEO contextual backlinks for 5$

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice7

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will create website design, website mockup, wordpress landing page design for 20$

Link : https://bit.ly/websitedesign6

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will create website design, website mockup, wordpress landing page design for 20$

Link : https://bit.ly/websitedesign6

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will provide 10 high da guest posts with SEO dofollow backlinks for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice8

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will provide 10 high da guest posts with SEO dofollow backlinks for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/seoservice8

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Welcome:) Soniptv.com
You are looking for iptv reseller panel to sell IPTV subscription in your customer.
We have best IPTV reseller panel offer for you with 55 Countries 78000+ Channels &amp; VOD.

Hurry up Contact with us and start your own IPTV business with our reseller panel.

Free Test Line 1 Day
10% Discount Code: OFF10

Whastapp: +1 (208)740-1562
Telegrm: james352
Email: [email protected]

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Jasper AI is a powerful artificial intelligence tool that can transform the way you do business. With Jasper AI, you can automate tedious tasks and make faster and smarter decisions. Whether you're a small business owner or part of a large corporation, Jasper AI can help you streamline your operations and increase productivity.

One of the key features of Jasper AI is its ability to analyze data and provide insights that can help you make better decisions. With its advanced algorithms and machine learning capabilities, Jasper AI can identify patterns and trends that would be difficult to spot with human analysis alone.

Another advantage of Jasper AI is its flexibility. It can be customized to meet your specific needs, whether you're looking to automate customer service, optimize your supply chain, or improve your marketing strategy. And with its user-friendly interface, you don't need to be a tech expert to use it.

In addition to its practical applications, Jasper AI is also a cost-effective solution for businesses of all sizes. By automating tasks and improving efficiency, it can save you time and money in the long run. And with its scalable architecture, you can start small and expand as your business grows.

Overall, Jasper AI is a game-changer for businesses looking to stay ahead of the curve in the digital age. With its advanced capabilities and flexible design, it can help you unlock the full potential of your data and take your business to the next level.

Sign Up for free WITHOUT WORRIES. TRY FOR FREE and decide if you want to continue uing


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

Our 26+ Services Buy Verified USA Paypal/Cashapp/Binance/Wise Account Fully Verified Personal &amp; Business + With All documents &amp; Access.

1.USA fully verified PayPal Accounts.
2.Binance Verified/Verified plus.
3.Cashapp VCC activate/BTC enable.
4.Wise Personal/Business account.
5.Revolut business account.
6.Buy Aged Facebook account 5 year old.
7.USA-Limit Removed Restore Paypal.
8.USA-Driving license available.
9.Any $ Dollar exchange service.
10.Unlimited email sending software life time.
11.Buy USA bank+ credit card account with all access.
12.iptv Reseller credit panel &amp; Subscription.

Contact With Us
Whatsapp: +1 (515)758-0120
Telegram: @gotinco
Signal-app:+1 (515)758-0120
ICQ: @gobuypro
Email: [email protected]

✈️ I will give you Account full details like---&nbsp;&nbsp;
1.Location USA
4.SSN Full Details
5.Paypal Address
6.Email access
7.Bank info
8.Card info
9.USA Number access
10.Unlimited transaction-Business Acc
11.Paypal payment supported
12.Document Available


time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.oneyearago | Հյուր

I will do 3d modeling, rendering and animation video of products for 10$

Link : https://bit.ly/3dproductdesigner

time.monthsago | Հյուր

I will create a corporate video for your business for 10$.

Link : https://bit.ly/corporatevideo-creation

time.monthsago | Հյուր

I will create a corporate video for your business for 10$.

Link : https://bit.ly/corporatevideo-creation

time.monthsago | Հյուր

I will create a corporate video for your business for 10$.

Link : https://bit.ly/corporatevideo-creation

time.monthsago | Հյուր

I will create a corporate video for your business for 10$.

Link : https://bit.ly/corporatevideo-creation

time.monthsago | Հյուր

I will create a corporate video for your business for 10$.

Link : https://bit.ly/corporatevideo-creation

time.monthsago | Հյուր

I will create a corporate video for your business for 10$.

Link : https://bit.ly/corporatevideo-creation

time.monthsago | Հյուր

I will create a corporate video for your business for 10$.

Link : https://bit.ly/corporatevideo-creation

time.monthsago | Հյուր

I will create a corporate video for your business for 10$.

Link : https://bit.ly/corporatevideo-creation

time.monthsago | Հյուր

I will create a corporate video for your business for 10$.

Link : https://bit.ly/corporatevideo-creation

time.monthsago | Հյուր

I will create a corporate video for your business for 10$.

Link : https://bit.ly/corporatevideo-creation

time.monthsago | Հյուր

I had a list of service for your business that helps your business to next level that cost not more than 30$.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

I had a list of service for your business that helps your business to next level that cost not more than 30$.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

I had a list of service for your business that helps your business to next level that cost not more than 30$.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

I had a list of service for your business that helps your business to next level that cost not more than 30$.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

I had a list of service for your business that helps your business to next level that cost not more than 30$.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Automate your business for free.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Automate your business for free.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Buy UK/USA Paypal/Cashapp/Binance/Wise/Bank/iptv Account Fully Verified.


1.USA fully verified PayPal Accounts.
2.Binance Verified/Verified plus.
3.Cashapp VCC activate/BTC enable.
4.Wise Personal/Business account.
5.Revolut business account.
6.Buy Aged Facebook account 5 year old.
7.Europe PayPal account available Cyprus.
8.UK Real Company documents with any name.
9.Any $ Dollar exchange service.
10.Unlimited email sending software life time.
11.Buy USA bank+ credit card account with all access.
12.iptv Reseller credit panel &amp; Subscription.

Contact With Us
Whatsapp: +1 (515)758-0120
Telegram: @gotinco
ICQ: @gobuypro

✈️ I will give you Account full details like---&nbsp;&nbsp;
1.Location USA
4.Full Details
5.Paypal Address
6.Email access
7.Bank info
8.Card info
9.USA Number access
10.Unlimited transaction-Business Acc
11.Paypal payment supported
12.Document Available


time.monthsago | Հյուր

Automate your business for free.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

You are looking for iptv Reseller/Subscription panel to sell iptv in your customer. We have best reseller panel offer for you with 98000+ Chanels, Movie, Series

Hurry up Contact with us,,, and start your own iptv business with our reseller panel.

More info Visit: Soniptv.com

Whatsapp: +1 (208)740-1562
Telegrm: james352
Mail: [email protected]

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Automate your business for free.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Automate your business for free.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Automate your business for free.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Automate your business for free.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Automate your business for free.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Automate your business for free.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Automate your business for free.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Automate your business for free.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

You are looking for iptv Reseller/Subscription panel to sell iptv in your customer. We have best reseller panel offer for you with 98000+ Chanels, Movie, Series

Hurry up Contact with us,,, and start your own iptv business with our reseller panel.

More info Visit: Soniptv.com

Whatsapp: +1 (208)740-1562
Telegrm: james352
Mail: [email protected]

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Automate your business for free.

Link : https://linktr.ee/bizsolutionhub

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Scale your business to next level with this software.

Link : https://bit.ly/softwareforbusinessz

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Dear Sir/Madam,

Introducing Prezentar: The Ultimate Tool to Create Amazing Presentations, Videos, and eBooks in Minutes!

Are you tired of spending countless hours crafting presentations, editing videos, or designing eBooks? Look no further! Prezentar is here to revolutionize your content creation process and make it a breeze!

With Prezentar, you can create stunning presentations, captivating videos, and engaging eBooks effortlessly. Whether you're a teacher creating courses, a content creator making tutorials, or a professional organizing webinars and meetings, Prezentar is the perfect solution for you. It's even suitable for all ages, so anyone can use it with ease!

To learn more, click here: https://bit.ly/43IJNUf

Why choose Prezentar?

Speed and Efficiency: Our intuitive platform enables you to create professional-quality presentations, videos, and eBooks in minutes, saving you valuable time and effort. No more struggling with complex software or spending hours on tedious tasks!

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Visual Appeal: Impress your audience with eye-catching designs, stunning animations, and seamless transitions. Prezentar provides a vast library of templates, graphics, and multimedia elements that will take your presentations, videos, and eBooks to the next level.

User-Friendly Interface: We believe that everyone should be able to create professional content, regardless of their technical skills. Prezentar's interface is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring that you can navigate the platform effortlessly and achieve outstanding results.

Instant Accessibility: Say goodbye to complicated installations and compatibility issues. Prezentar is a web-based tool, meaning you can access it from anywhere, anytime. Simply log in, and you're ready to create, edit, and share your content instantly!

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to transform your content creation process. Try Prezentar today and experience the power of effortless content creation!

Here is the link: https://bit.ly/43IJNUf , click to take a look at this amazing tool...

To get started, visit our website at [website URL] and sign up for a free trial. We are confident that once you experience the ease and versatility of Prezentar, you'll never want to go back to your old ways of content creation.

If you have any questions or need assistance, our dedicated support team is available around the clock to help you out. Contact us at [email address] or give us a call at [phone number].

Unlock your creative potential with Prezentar and revolutionize the way you present, educate, and engage!

Please click here: https://bit.ly/43IJNUf to take a look at this amazing tool...

Best regards,

Samantha Williams
Marketing Manager
Luminary Solutions

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Scale your business to next level with this software.

Link : https://bit.ly/softwareforbusinessz

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Hey there,

It's a course I created - "AI and ChatGPT: A Four-Level Approach to Social Media Automation". No fluff, just actionable strategies that can help you reclaim your time and amp up your social media game.

Ready to dive in and start doing? Here's your starting point: https://gaelgerard.podia.com/ai-and-chatgpt-a-four-level-approach-to-social-media-automation

&gt; Actionable right away
&gt; Dozens fo hours saved
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Get 30% discount with the code LAUNCH30 :)

Excited to see you on board!

Take care,
Gaël G

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Make 10k$ per month with free training..

Link : https://bit.ly/free-trainingz7

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Make 10k$ per month with free training..

Link : https://bit.ly/free-trainingz7

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Make 10k$ per month with free training..

Link : https://bit.ly/free-trainingz7

time.monthsago | Հյուր

Make 10k$ per month with free training..

Link : https://bit.ly/free-trainingz7

time.monthsago | Հյուր

You are looking for iptv Reseller/Subscription panel to sell iptv in your customer. We have best reseller panel offer for you with 98000+ Chanels, Movie, Series

Hurry up Contact with us,,, and start your own iptv business with our reseller panel.

More info Visit: Soniptv.com

Whatsapp: +1 (208)740-1562
Telegrm: james352
Mail: [email protected]

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We Provide UK/USA Paypal/Cashapp/Binance/Wise/Bank/iptv Account Fully Verified. Gobuypro.com

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9.����Any $ Dollar exchange service✅
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We Provide UK/USA Paypal/Cashapp/Binance/Wise/Bank/iptv Account Fully Verified. Gobuypro.com

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Telegram: @gotinco
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1.Location USA
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time.monthsago | Հյուր

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Whatsapp: +1 (515)758-0120
Telegram: @gotinco
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✈️ I will give you Account full details like---&nbsp;&nbsp;
1.Location USA
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5.Paypal Address
6.Email access
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9.USA Number access
10.Unlimited transaction-Business Acc
11.Paypal payment supported
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time.monthsago | Հյուր

We Provide EU/USA Paypal/Cashapp/Binance/Wise/Bank/iptv Account Fully Verified. Gobuypro.com

0.����European All Country Paypal account available Persona &amp; Business✅
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6.����Buy Aged Facebook account 5 year old✅
8.����UK Real Company documents with any name✅
9.����Any $ Dollar exchange service✅
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11.����iptv Reseller credit panel &amp; Subscription✅
12.����Buy USA bank+ credit card account with all access✅

����Contact ����
Whatsapp: +1 (515)758-0120
Telegram: @gotinco
ICQ: @gobuypro

✈️ I will give you Account full details like---&nbsp;&nbsp;
1.Location USA
4.Full Details
5.Paypal Address
6.Email access
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11.Paypal payment supported
12.Document Available

time.monthsago | Հյուր

We Provide EU/USA Paypal/Cashapp/Binance/Wise/Bank/iptv Account Fully Verified

0.����European All Country Paypal account available Persona &amp; Business✅
1.����USA verified Business &amp; Personal PayPal Accounts✅
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3.����Cashapp VCC activate/BTC enable✅
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6.����Buy Aged Facebook account 5 year old✅
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9.����Any $ Dollar exchange service✅
10.����Unlimited email sending software life time✅
11.����iptv Reseller credit panel &amp; Subscription✅
12.����Buy USA bank+ credit card account with all access✅

����Contact ����
Whatsapp: +1 (515)758-0120
Telegram: @gotinco
ICQ: @gobuypro

✈️ I will give you Account full details like---&nbsp;&nbsp;
1.Location USA
4.Full Details
5.Paypal Address
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8.Card info
9.USA Number access
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11.Paypal payment supported
12.Document Available

time.monthsago | Հյուր

We Provide EU/USA Paypal/Cashapp/Binance/Wise/Bank/iptv Account Fully Verified

0.����European All Country Paypal account available Persona &amp; Business✅
1.����USA verified Business &amp; Personal PayPal Accounts✅
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9.����Any $ Dollar exchange service✅
10.����Unlimited email sending software life time✅
11.����iptv Reseller credit panel &amp; Subscription✅
12.����Buy USA bank+ credit card account with all access✅

����Contact ����
Whatsapp: +1 (515)758-0120
Telegram: @gotinco
ICQ: @gobuypro

✈️ I will give you Account full details like---&nbsp;&nbsp;
1.Location USA
4.Full Details
5.Paypal Address
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11.Paypal payment supported
12.Document Available

time.monthsago | Հյուր

We Provide EU/USA Paypal/Cashapp/Binance/Wise/Bank/iptv Account Fully Verified

0.����European All Country Paypal account available Persona &amp; Business✅
1.����USA verified Business &amp; Personal PayPal Accounts✅
2.����Binance Verified/Verified plus✅
3.����Cashapp VCC activate/BTC enable✅
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5.����Revolut business account✅
6.����Buy Aged Facebook account 5 year old✅
8.����UK Real Company documents with any name✅
9.����Any $ Dollar exchange service✅
10.����Unlimited email sending software life time✅
11.����iptv Reseller credit panel &amp; Subscription✅
12.����Buy USA bank+ credit card account with all access✅

����Contact ����
Whatsapp: +1 (515)758-0120
Telegram: @gotinco
ICQ: @gobuypro

✈️ I will give you Account full details like---&nbsp;&nbsp;
1.Location USA
4.Full Details
5.Paypal Address
6.Email access
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8.Card info
9.USA Number access
10.Unlimited transaction-Business Acc
11.Paypal payment supported
12.Document Available

time.monthsago | Հյուր

We Provide EU/USA Paypal/Cashapp/Binance/Wise/Bank/iptv Account Fully Verified

0.����European All Country Paypal account available Persona &amp; Business✅
1.����USA verified Business &amp; Personal PayPal Accounts✅
2.����Binance Verified/Verified plus✅
3.����Cashapp VCC activate/BTC enable✅
4.����Wise Personal/Business account✅
5.����Revolut business account✅
6.����Buy Aged Facebook account 5 year old✅
8.����UK Real Company documents with any name✅
9.����Any $ Dollar exchange service✅
10.����Unlimited email sending software life time✅
11.����iptv Reseller credit panel &amp; Subscription✅
12.����Buy USA bank+ credit card account with all access✅

����Contact ����
Whatsapp: +1 (515)758-0120
Telegram: @gotinco
ICQ: @gobuypro

✈️ I will give you Account full details like---&nbsp;&nbsp;
1.Location USA
4.Full Details
5.Paypal Address
6.Email access
7.Bank info
8.Card info
9.USA Number access
10.Unlimited transaction-Business Acc
11.Paypal payment supported
12.Document Available

time.monthsago | Հյուր

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8.����Payoneer/Venmo/Pst.net account available✅
9.����Any $ Dollar exchange service✅
10.����Unlimited email sending software life time✅
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Whatsapp: +44 7308 244260
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0.����European All Country Paypal account available Persona &amp; Business✅
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8.����Payoneer/Venmo/Pst.net account available✅
9.����Any $ Dollar exchange service✅
10.����Unlimited email sending software life time✅
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Whatsapp: +44 7308 244260
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We have iptv and other all payment soluation

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0.����European All Country Paypal account available Persona &amp; Business✅
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3.����Cashapp VCC activate/BTC enable✅
4.����Wise Personal/Business account✅
5.����Revolut business account✅
6.����Buy Aged Facebook account 5 year old✅
8.����Payoneer/Venmo/Pst.net account available✅
9.����Any $ Dollar exchange service✅
10.����Unlimited email sending software life time✅
12.����Buy USA bank+ credit card account with all access✅

����Contact ����
Whatsapp: +44 7308 244260
Telegram: @gobuypro
Skype: live:.cid.236f261e6814fdd8
Mail: [email protected]